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What awaits the advertising industry after third-party cookies become extinct?
The imminent end of third-party cookies is a turning point for the online advertising sector. It is still not entirely clear how the demise of cookies will impact personalized advertising, and a similar across-the-board solution has yet to emerge.
Online audio boom at SMEs: why audio advertising is right on trend
When it comes to audio commercials, advertisers held back for a long time. However, that has now changed dramatically. Maximilian Balbach, Managing Director of crossvertise, tells us why online audio is highly attractive to SMEs right now.
Using the Cynefin framework to develop problem-solving approaches appropriate to the situation
Growing complexity, best described by the term “VUCA”, is one of the biggest challenges for managers. One approach to tackling this complexity is the Cynefin framework. We explain how the model works.
Meaningful brands: What are the key ingredients of your brand value?
Brand value – the value of a brand is much more than the mere monetary value, known as brand equity. The Meaningful Brands study provides advice on how your company can increase its brand value and improve its brand image.
Customer centricity and innovation: examples of design thinking
In part 3 of our series, we explore two examples of design thinking from Bosch and Airbnb and show how adaptable and versatile the creative approach can be when it comes to solving various problems faced by companies with different starting points.
Fight fire with fire? Strategies for surviving in a VUCA world
The VUCA world refers to the conditions of the digital world of work, something that managers especially struggle with. What strategies help you to safely navigate this VUCA environment and even actively shape the transformation?
Managing the change process: why the digital transformation demands a clear attitude
In the era of digitalization, transformation should be a constant in the working culture of a company. Anyone who fails to recognize the latest trend will be left behind. To lead the way and keep their company on track, managers need one thing in particular: a clear attitude!
From advertising to accounting: 4 tools for Amazon merchants
As the saying goes, “trade is change”, and it is especially true for giant online sales channels like Amazon. Useful tools designed for Amazon merchants will help you set up your business perfectly and get better results.
Customer experience in 5G: new perspectives for m-commerce and IoT?
The new 5G cellular standard is pushing the door to the future wide open, creating entirely new opportunities for mobile commerce, particularly in the e-commerce segment. It also represents a milestone in the advancement of IoT, the Internet of Things.
Here’s how to strengthen your brand safety and suitability during the coronavirus pandemic
Search terms relating to the coronavirus are among the keywords that are currently being blocked by marketers the most. Oliver Hülse from Integral Ad Science explains why a good brand safety and suitability strategy should not simply focus on blocklists.
Remote leadership: how to manage your team from anywhere
Digitalization makes it possible to work together in virtual teams whatever the location. However, remote working poses special challenges to managers. In the following, we’ll explain how to successfully overcome these.
Guide: How can agile working be implemented in agencies?
Many agencies claim to be agile. What that actually means, however, often remains hidden from both the client and the team. Our guide shows you how to profitably implement agile working in your agency.
How to onboard new agency clients successfully
In successful agencies, the professional onboarding of new clients is a top priority. Besides sharing expectations and defining common goals and processes, the focus is on building trust.
Creating surveys: How to ask effective questions in the correct way
As a central method of market analysis, surveys play an important role in business development and improving products and services. Our free checklist shows you what you need to bear in mind when creating a questionnaire.
How to reach your target group more individually with psychographic targeting
Socio-demographics were yesterday: with psychographic targeting, target groups can be identified accurately and addressed more individually than through socio-demographic stereotypes. Find out how this works in this article.
Self-marketing for agencies – escaping the recommendation trap
They professionally present their clients in the best possible light – but many agencies struggle when it comes to strategic self-marketing. But if you only rely on recommendations, you are in danger of a rude awakening, especially in times of crisis.
White paper: Intelligent online marketing in times of Covid-19
The corona crisis is turning the world of online marketing upside down. Find out in our white paper which industries are hit particularly hard and how you can develop clever strategies to react to the current situation.
How to stand out from the crowd with a convincing value proposition
What value do your customers really get when they choose your product? For your marketing and sales success, it is essential to develop an on-target and concise value proposition. Find out how to do this here.
Corporate digital responsibility: why digital ethics are essential
Where do the ethical boundaries of digitalization lie? And what are the digital responsibilities of companies? Find out here why we should strive now more than ever for corporate digital responsibility (CDR).