Twitter Topics: how marketers can benefit from this new feature
Users can use Twitter Topics to follow trends of interest to them. Brands can take advantage of this for their Twitter marketing. After all, users also discover new accounts via the Topics feature.
Adapting performance marketing strategies to the corona crisis
The corona crisis is making marketing campaigns appear in a different light. What can an adequate performance marketing strategy look like in these corona times? Five marketing experts give their personal strategy recommendations.
Digital leadership: Five practical tips for CDOs
The CDO's mission is clear: to drive digital transformation. But an understanding of technology alone is not enough to take on this role. Five practical tips will help you to master digital transformation in your company.
Is the coronavirus pandemic an engine for the digital transformation?
The coronavirus pandemic is having a profound impact on social life and the economy. How are digital companies getting along during this crisis? Will the crisis fuel actually end up driving the digital transformation? Forecasts derived from the DMEXCO Trend Survey.
90° turn: Vertical storytelling
Thanks to smartphones, mobile Internet usage takes place in portrait format. Vertical storytelling is used to take stories shown on social media, etc., and fill them with content. Learn how to use this method for your marketing.
Added value or gimmick? Augmented reality in e-commerce
Touching things, trying them on and trying them out, taking them with you there and then – these are experiences that online retail has yet to offer its customers. Does augmented reality help e-commerce to offer at least as good a CX as in-store retail?
Experts on the right communication strategy to adopt in the coronavirus era
How should brands communicate during the coronavirus crisis? Decision-makers from renowned agencies make recommendations on a communication strategy for (digital) enterprises during the coronavirus crisis.
Guide: How to use Snapchat advertising for your eCommerce
Especially in times of the crisis of the coronavirus, the focus is increasingly turning to eCommerce. Use our free guide to learn how to make the most of Snapchat for your online business.
Free tools for efficient teamwork during the COVID pandemic
COVID-19 has spread rapidly all around the world and is having dramatic economic consequences for many companies. Free teamwork tools are therefore needed for a quick transition to working from home.
3 practical collaboration tools for the coronavirus outbreak
Are you lacking a collaboration tool for communication, social media management or transparent project management? We introduce our favourites, which are sure to lend you a helping hand when working from home.
What opportunities are opened up in B2B by voice marketing?
Voice search via voice assistants, the rapid development of smart home devices, the increasing popularity of podcasts – the spoken word is gaining traction. Voice marketing is tapping into this trend and opening up new horizons in B2B.
Successful A/B testing in e-commerce: Why precise hypotheses are important
A/B testing is an efficient instrument to let shop owners optimize their websites. Precise hypotheses lay the foundation for meaningful results. Our free template shows you how to define them to achieve a constructive outcome.
Programmed for the future: Five programmatic advertising trends
Despite all the prophecies of doom and fears, programmatic advertising continues to scoop up a steadily increasing share of the advertising market. Here you can read about the five programmatic advertising trends that will shape the online marketing cosmos in 2020 and beyond.
3 tips for voice search in eCommerce: How to get your store voice search-ready
Voice search via voice assistant is preparing to become a standard for online searches. With this in mind, anyone whose business model is based on eCommerce is well-advised to prepare his or her website and company for this development.
5 tips to successfully implement the design-thinking process
In Part 2 of our series on design thinking, you will learn the prerequisites that must be met to implement a design-thinking process in product development and sales – to unlock its full potential.
Guide: How to plan a successful cross-media campaign
A good marketing campaign involves different communication channels in the effort to reach the target group in multiple ways. In our guide, you can read how to develop an expedient cross-channel strategy.
How agencies optimize your collaborations with influencers
New channels, new creators, new formats: Influencer marketing is becoming more and more complex. Without technical solutions and professional support, it is almost impossible to tap the growing potential of brand ambassadors.
Agile project management: A comparison of 5 practical tools and apps
It took just a few years for agile project management to establish itself as a standard in software development. Here you will find out which five software tools and apps ideally map and support the processes involved in agile project management.
How do brands make the leap onto the Instagram Explore page?
In the world of social media marketing, getting onto the Instagram Explore page is the equivalent of striking gold. After all, appearing there makes it much easier to acquire new followers and increase your Instagram reach.