Posts under the Topic:
Philosophy & Ethics
A social change has taken place and is being reflected in the buying behavior of customers. Today’s hot societal issues are climate change, sustainability, equality, and diversity. Companies that ignore or even resist these topics are being met with opposition. A purchasing decision is often determined by
the product quality and transparency of the value chain,
the credibility, and
the environmental and social responsibility
of a company and thus its entire corporate philosophy. Against the backdrop of this transformation, the customer journey needs to be rethought.
Purpose and attitude
When it comes to customers deciding on a product, brand, or ...
Diversity, equity, and inclusion: Is the ad industry a trailblazer?
DEI stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion – three terms that should shape the marketing world, both internally and externally. But what’s really happening with equal opportunities? And what’s being done to move things forward?
3 key steps for better AI in Europe
Expert Jan Oetjen, CEO of WEB.DE and GMX, proposes three steps policymakers must take to improve AI in Europe.
Is the AI Act on the homestretch in Europe?
The AI Act will regulate the use of AI in the EU. We share some updates and an important statement from the BVDW.
Women’s Day: impactful initiatives, people, & ideas
To celebrate International Women’s Day and all the fascinating and inspiring women in the digital industry, we have selected 9 initiatives and female leaders who you should get to know closer.
Guide: Bringing about diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are highly topical issues in boardrooms right now. But what’s it all about? And how can we shape the transformation to a tolerant and appreciative corporate culture? Our guide gives you an overview.
The Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab: a fresh take on inclusion
To make its products more accessible to people with disabilities, Microsoft has set up an Inclusive Tech Lab. We explore the initiative and show what other companies can learn from it.
Pinkwashing examples that you need to know about
It doesn’t always have to be green – brands might also give themselves a pinkwash, even if they don’t merit it. We present some examples here.
The Ukraine war, psychological long Covid, and our resulting state of mind
After two years of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s now the Ukraine war that’s shocking and unsettling people. The rheingold institute in Cologne has published a depth psychology study that sheds light on society’s current mood.
Ad Girls Club still pushing for a stop to sexism in the advertising industry
In response to allegations of sexism in the German advertising industry, a handful of female activists formed the Ad Girls Club in 2020. Their demands have now been heard by the German General Association of Communication Agencies (GWA).