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Alicia Tillman from SAP on the importance of purpose-driven marketing

Podcast Episode 45
Podcast Episode 45
Alicia Tillman on the importance of purpose-driven marketing and a customer first approach.
Alicia Tillman, SAP CMO, talking to Dominik Matyka about purpose-driven marketing.

According to BrandZ, software company SAP is currently the 16th most valuable company in the world. But good is not good enough: in our podcast, CMO Alicia Tillman tells host Dominik how she plans to bring SAP into the top 10 with purpose-driven marketing.

In an interview, she talks about how she believes the marketing landscape has changed in recent years, and derives key criteria for marketing success from this: at the core there is an ambition to truly understand the customer’s needs and create a unique user experience.

“Empathy, listening and creating something truly magical and meaningful – I believe that is the most important role we as marketers play today for the companies we work for.”

Alicia Tillman

For Alicia Tillman, the secret of success for leading global companies lies in the motivation to make a meaningful contribution and to make the world a better place. She also recognizes that a collaborative corporate culture and shared visions are key factors in business success: “I believe that ultimate success is based on the quality of the team and not really on the success of an individual.”

Other topics include:

  • How to successfully implement strategies in a global company
  • Why marketing campaigns with an emotional approach are so successful
  • Which professional and personal competencies are important in the work of a CMO
  • How to maintain a balance between a position of responsibility at work and family life

We hope you enjoy listening!