Women at the BVDW: a four-year action plan – what’s happened in that time?
“The imbalance is obvious, and we aim to counteract it. ..." The German Association for the Digital Economy had adopted its action plan to iron out that discrepancy in 2018. Four years later, we want to take a look back: What’s happened?
Twitch: Achieving streaming success through community building
Streaming platform Twitch continues to gain users thanks to its community building. We took a closer look at how Twitch operates, who uses it, and how marketers can ensure that their content reaches their target groups.
DMEXCO interview with Ekkehardt Schlottbohm: when will CTV finally really take off?
Digital expert Ekkehardt Schlottbohm knows more about advertising technologies than anyone else. At the same time, he’s recognized as an absolute expert in the various advertising markets. He has been Regional Vice President, Central & Northern Europe, for PubMatic since 2019, where he is responsible for a total of 18 countries. He joined us for an interview to discuss how moving image content can be optimally marketed, when CTV will finally really take off, and how the different advertising markets work.
w3.vision: DMEXCO 2022 and w3.fund launch a unique Web3 event
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), crypto communities, blockchain, and the metaverse. The inaugural “w3.vision” event at DMEXCO on September 21 and 22 in Cologne will take a deep dive into these important future topics. This exclusive “event within an event” is being organized by DMEXCO in collaboration with w3.fund. A dedicated experience, networking, and conference area at Europe’s leading digital marketing & tech event in Cologne will bring together top Web3 experts with the industry’s biggest brands.
Yes to diversity marketing, no to social washing
More and more customers are expecting diversity from companies. Diversity marketing therefore offers enormous potential for brands – as long as the campaigns are credible. Our story explores how that can be achieved.
Guide: Bringing about diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are highly topical issues in boardrooms right now. But what’s it all about? And how can we shape the transformation to a tolerant and appreciative corporate culture? Our guide gives you an overview.
The Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab: a fresh take on inclusion
To make its products more accessible to people with disabilities, Microsoft has set up an Inclusive Tech Lab. We explore the initiative and show what other companies can learn from it.
25 effective social media marketing tips
Wanting to boost your company’s visibility and working on a social media strategy? We have 25 marketing tips for you to incorporate straight into your planning!
Discord – messenger, chatroom, and community network all rolled into one
Discord is a successful network that has attracted more than 150 million monthly users since its launch in 2015. We explore the community platform’s success model, along with its potential risks.
Snapchat’s success story: driven by innovation
Snapchat kicked off its success as a social network with self-destructing chats. It now has 332 million daily users thanks to its innovative features. We took a closer look at its success story.
Pinkwashing examples that you need to know about
It doesn’t always have to be green – brands might also give themselves a pinkwash, even if they don’t merit it. We present some examples here.
In-house or outsourcing? Why the top organisations of the future will hire differently.
Nicolas Finet, founder of agency matchmaking platform Sortlist, home to 32,000 agencies, talks about the future of work. His vision: hyperspecialisation is powering huge productivity gains. But these gains can only effectively be harnessed and turned into growth by systematising outsourcing in your organisation’s day-to-day.
DMEXCO trend survey indicates that German users are highly critical of advertising on streaming services
Are subscribers to streaming services more likely to accept ads as part of the deal if that means their subscription costs less? A recent representative online survey of 2,500 users of online video platforms conducted by Civey on behalf of DMEXCO produced three key findings: according to 66% of Germans, the answer to the above question is a firm “no”; respondents are also less willing than before to pay more in the future for an ad-free service; and Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Disney+ are currently the most popular streaming services in Germany. The topic will also be discussed live at the DMEXCO conference in Cologne on September 21 and 22.
Interview with Dr. Emilia Roig: How diverse is the marketing industry in reality?
From Women’s Day to Black History Month and Pride Week, marketing is currently caught up in celebrating diversity. Brands like to present themselves as liberal and modern, but when you dig below the social media posts emblazoned with rainbow flags, what is life really like in the marketing industry? We talked to Emilia Roig to find out. Recently voted “Most Influential Woman of the Year” for the Impact of Diversity Prize 2022, she shared her views on challenging and sensitive topics such as discrimination, equality, and diversity.
Ukraine war: How can we help each other?
Ukrainian agency Netpeak specializes in performance marketing. Founder Dmitrii Piskarev outlines how the war in Ukraine has impacted his staff and the agency itself, and shares his hopes for help from Europe.
A glimpse into the tube: what does the future of TV hold?
TV is a medium that has captivated the masses for as long as we can remember. In our new guide, we give you an overview of the latest TV trends and where advertisers now need to get on board.
An interview with the BVDW: DMEXCO is a showcase and platform for our industry
After being forced online for the last two years due to the pandemic, DMEXCO will be opening its doors in Cologne again in September. The excitement is really building for what is no doubt Europe’s most important tech and marketing event.