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Social selling: buzzword or success formula?
As a sales concept on social media, social selling promises to open new doors to customers and make sales processes more effective. What’s behind the trend and what opportunities does it present, especially in coronavirus times?
Guide: using social commerce to boost your sales
Social commerce is on everyone’s lips. But how can it help you stay one step ahead of the competition? Download our free guide to find out how social media can help generate more online retail sales!
The boomer generation as a target group – wasted potential?
Boomers are more trend-conscious, wealthier, and tech-savvier than they’re given credit for – and it doesn’t stop there. Read on to learn what matters to the boomer generation and why it can pay off for brands to embrace this target group.
Governing on Twitter and others: social media as a political communication form
More and more politicians are communicating via social media channels. What opportunities and risks does that mean for political communication? We present a few examples!
10 useful business intelligence tools for your company
For fresh insights and better decisions: modern business intelligence tools help you unlock your company’s data trove. Deciding which BI tool is right for you depends on your specific requirements.
5 hot business intelligence trends that should be on your radar
The BI field is moving at a fast pace and determining how companies will work with data in the future. In our story, we present 5 key business development trends that pave the way for even better decision-making.
Buyer persona vs. target group: what’s the difference?
If you want to emotionally engage with your customers and convince them of your products and services, you need to really know and understand their needs. But what exactly is the difference between a target group and buyer persona?
Digitalization of the construction industry: BIM and tech leading the way
From a digital standpoint, the German construction sector is trailing behind other industries, despite the fact that it could benefit greatly from digitalization. Building information modeling and other technologies could turn that around.
The climate is overheating – time for green data centers!
Data centers are the world’s fastest-growing energy consumers. Are the digital economy and climate goals compatible? Stefan Mink from IONOS should know. We ask him: How much progress have we made in developing green data centers?
Corporate venture building (CVB): the new digital business model?
Global challenges like climate change and healthcare require innovative and sustainable ideas to be developed and quickly implemented. Is corporate venture building the business model for achieving that?
Cognitive marketing: boost your B2B marketing
Emotions play a key role not only in B2C sales, but in B2B sales as well. Read on to find out how you can benefit from this state of affairs using clever cognitive marketing.
Toolkit: 18 Instagram tools to make your brand take off!
Do you want more followers on your brand’s Instagram page? Then there are apps that can really help you. In our toolkit, we reveal which Instagram tools are especially useful.
The 3 most powerful motivational TED Talks
Is your mood at rock bottom or frustration eating you up? These three TED Talks let you in on how to get back your motivation and positivity and turn even setbacks and crises into something good. Let’s get started!
Image SEO checklist: image optimization to boost your website’s ranking
Every website needs visual elements. Image files therefore also play a central role in search engine optimization. But image SEO isn’t just about image optimization, it also includes on-picture, on-page, and off-page factors.
Female Founder Initiative – for more women in the tech industry
Tech startups are spreading like wildfire, but if you look closer, one thing stands out: it’s mainly men who are igniting the flame. The Female Founder Initiative wants to change that.
10 ways to effectively invest your paid media budget in B2B
After many companies cut their paid media budgets last year due to the pandemic, the B2B sector is now being increasingly invested in again. Our story reveals how to fully leverage your paid media budget!
Guide: How to avoid “meeting fatigue”
Why do video conferences feel so strenuous? And how can we manage meeting fatigue, which has now become a widespread phenomenon? Our free guide contains practical tips for organizing and moderating virtual meetings.
CES 2021: 6 relevant marketing trends unveiled by the virtual tech show
The Consumer Electronic Show (CES) not only marks the start of the tech year, but is also regarded as a major trendsetter for marketers around the globe. You definitely won’t want to lose track of these 6 marketing trends seen at CES 2021.
Calling all sales reps: these 7 communication models should be on your radar!
People who work in sales know that communication is more than just exchanging information. You also have to read between the lines to really understand the other person. These seven communication models will help you do that!