Your successful digital visit to the DMEXCO @home expo
Even a purely digital expo visit should be carefully planned. DMEXCO @home offers you the best possibilities for preparation so that you can dive into two eventful days at full power starting at 10 a.m. on September 23!
Guide: on the path to success with mobile app marketing
In light of the hive of activity in app stores, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to stand out from the rest of the market by implementing targeted app marketing. Our guide contains key tips for marketing an app effectively.
DMEXCO @home: free guest tickets for exhibitors
DMEXCO @home, the digital version of DMEXCO 2020, gives exhibiting companies the full DMEXCO experience. As an exhibitor, you also benefit from a one-of-a-kind offer: an unlimited number of free guest tickets to your digital presence.
Will the coronavirus permanently change the face of e-commerce?
The coronavirus crisis hasn’t just hit in-store retail, but has also set the ball rolling in many aspects of the world of e-commerce. What long-term effects can be expected in online retail?
Conducting sales talks in coronavirus times – here’s how
Sales is one of the business areas that have been hit the hardest by the social distancing restrictions required during the coronavirus crisis. In this article, you can read how to conduct successful sales talks even without direct contact and what tools can help you.
Idea management: how to correctly prioritize your ideas
Good ideas can be incredibly lucrative, but only if they are a sound fit for the situation in question. Here, you will discover how to filter out promising solutions from your pool of creative thoughts and thus effectively save on resources.
Subscription models reloaded: why they are a good tool for customer retention
Rather than buying a product, consumers prefer to use services whenever the mood strikes. As a result, subscription models are experiencing rapid growth worldwide in many different industries. But which ones are a win-win for both sides?
How important is sustainability communication for brands and employer branding?
Whether on social media, when shopping, or out and about, the topic of sustainability is everywhere you look and is especially important to the younger generation. Companies that want to win over this group of society as future employees will have to focus on sustainable communication in the long term.
CJEU overturns Privacy Shield agreement: what you need to know
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has overturned the Privacy Shield agreement. In this article, we explore the implications this might have for your company and what you now have to put on your to-do list.
Are sustainability and social responsibility feasible in e-commerce?
Particularly for younger generations, sustainability and social responsibility are key buying factors. How can small and medium-sized e-commerce retailers ensure that their products meet these requirements?
Agile business development: trial and error instead of long-term planning
Speed, adaptability, and an absolute customer focus – agile business development enables companies to stay ahead of the curve and take the lead through innovation. Their emphasis is on flexibility rather than traditional development processes.
Guide: getting started with Google Data Studio made easy
Data from various sources can be merged and visualized using Google Data Studio. Our guide shows you how to use the Google tool to create professional reports, even if you’re an inexperienced user.
Intelligently intertwining the customer experience with customer engagement
A good customer experience is only one aspect of a sustainable customer strategy. Additionally focusing on customer engagement measures enables you to deepen customer relationships and strengthen your brand awareness.
Fact sheet: Methodically mastering change – 5 change management models compared
There is no blueprint for change management, but there are a range of different models for it. Here, we provide a comparison of five change management models.
Corporate venturing: investing in digital expertise pays off
Fresh ideas and innovations from externally sourced bright minds – companies such as Google, Intel, and BMW are taking a corporate venturing approach to harness the expertise of startups in order to optimize digital technologies or tap into new business areas.
Toolkit: how to conduct a successful competitive analysis
How does your product fare against the competition? What do other providers not have in their portfolio that you can give your target group? Competitive analysis tools enable you to find the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
Purpose-driven influencers: how can marketers use the meaningfulness trend?
Climate change, sustainability, zero waste, and political involvement – an interest in future-oriented topics and social change is one of the latest trends taking social media platforms by storm, and not only as a result of “Fridays for Future”. It goes without saying that influencers have embraced this, too.
7 strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises to increase their brand awareness
Brand awareness is the reputation that your brand has among the public. For small and medium-sized enterprises, it is often not easy to build a popular brand image. Our seven strategies make it possible.
Positive energy! How emotional marketing wins the hearts of customers
Nobody buys rationally. Emotions are usually what wins the hearts – and wallets – of customers and forms a strong bond with a brand. Here, we explore why emotional marketing works so well.