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Setting new priorities: the motto of DMEXCO 2021

What will the world look like after Covid? How can we actively help shape it? What role does digitalization play in this? What priorities do we want and need to define for the future? With the #SettingNewPriorities motto, DMEXCO 2021 aims to discuss all these questions with its community and come up with real solutions for a post-Covid world.
March 25, 2021

September 2021 will mark one and a half challenging years since society got turned upside down along with the economy, culture, and politics. A period in which priorities shifted overnight and everything we once knew got pulled from under our feet. At the same time, the restrictions placed on our analog lives made our digital ones all the more important. With #SettingNewPriorities as its motto, DMEXCO will come together with its community on September 7 and 8, 2021, to talk about what we want our post-Covid world to look like.

Many business models and operations have been moved over to the digital realm in recent months. In digital marketing itself, the framework is also being redefined by stricter data protection, new tracking methods, tighter regulation, and changing user behavior. Innovative business ideas, models, and technologies are called for.

“Our world is a different place than it was a year and a half ago – and it won’t be like it was before Corona. Most companies have had to go new ways as well as change their priorities and set new impulses. That’s exactly what we want to do with DMEXCO 2021: offer the digital industry a platform where they can define their specific requirements and priorities,” says Oliver Frese, COO of Koelnmesse.

Matthias Wahl, President of the German Association for the Digital Economy [Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.], adds: “The digital industry has a very special role to play – not only during, but also after the coronavirus pandemic. Many challenges in the past months were overcome using digital technologies, thereby helping everyone hold onto a bit of normalcy. It’s now our responsibility to drive innovations and developments forward and develop the industry further.”

“We want to bring decision-makers from the digital industry together to jointly discuss the future priorities for digital living and working going forward. Sustainability, digital platforms, intelligent infrastructures, and new work – these are just some of the topics that we want to reflect on together with experts from the business, scientific, and political spheres,” emphasizes Thomas Mosch, Director DMEXCO Conference.

Image material for DMEXCO is available online at


DMEXCO is Europe’s leading digital marketing & tech event. We are the meeting place and a community for key players in digital business, marketing, and innovation. We bring together industry leaders, marketing and media professionals, and tech pioneers to set the digital agenda. Both globally informed and locally focused, DMEXCO offers an ecosystem with seminars, debates, expositions, and masterclasses outlining the future of the digital economy and driving market value.

In Cologne and online, we set the benchmark as a network and business platform for the digital economy. Decision-makers continue to educate themselves and be inspired, make contacts, and conclude deals. DMEXCO — where tomorrow’s digital business happens today. DMEXCO 2021 will take place on September 7 and 8, 2021.

The German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW) – with the special participation of the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) – is the ideational and professional partner of DMEXCO and owner of the DMEXCO brand. DMEXCO is organized by Koelnmesse.

Information, along with photos, videos, and original sounds and audio clips, can be found at,, and