DMEXCO @home – an interview with Screenforce
Screenforce focuses on research, marketing, and communication in the TV and moving image genres. In this interview, Martin Krapf, GF Screenforce, talks about the company’s “Not all Reach is Equal” advertising impact study and what it is expecting from DMEXCO @home.

#1 Why are you attending this year’s DMEXCO @home as an exhibitor?
At Screenforce, our main goal is to reach a wider target group with our B2B communication. When it comes to our total video topics, in other words TV content on all channels and platforms, DMEXCO @home offers a good opportunity for new touchpoints and contacts.
#2 What product / business idea will you be presenting at DMEXCO @home?
We will essentially be focusing on our recent “Not all Reach is Equal” advertising impact study for moving images in the German-speaking countries, which we conducted with highly acclaimed researcher Karen Nelson-Field and is the largest one to date. The comparison between ad impact in TV and BVOD and ad impact on social media will be an interesting and possibly very controversial topic for DMEXCO @home visitors.
#3 Which of the features (master classes, spaces, sessions, etc.) will you be using to present this? And what form will they take (a roadshow for example)?
We will be using the master class, lecture, fireside, and statement formats. The size and complexity of our impact study mean that we can examine the topic from various perspectives – and therefore present it in several DMEXCO @home sessions.
#4 What supplementary measures have you planned (mailings, advertising, campaigns)?
We will be promoting our sessions by communicating about them on all our channels.
#5 What are you expecting from DMEXCO @home?
We’ll be happy if the results of our study also give DMEXCO @home visitors a lot to talk about.