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Google’s mobile-first index: what webmasters need to know now
In March 2021, the final stage of the Google mobile-first indexing will come into effect. Desktop crawls will be completely stopped. So webmasters should now check whether they’re prepared for mobile crawling. Here are some vital pointers!
7 rules for conducting successful sales talks
To conduct successful sales talks, it’s not enough to just give as much product information as possible. Closing a deal depends on very different factors. We have summarized the 7 most important rules.
3 tips for software developers to work effectively as a team from home
To be as productive as possible, product teams must work together closely in person – a common theory that questions if software developers can collaborate well when working from home. These 3 tips make remote product development a success!
Perfectly planned social media marketing with our 2021 editorial plan template
Social media marketing requires a clear strategy for it to be targeted, cost-effective, and conducive to achieving your corporate goals. That’s where our 2021 social media editorial plan template comes in.
Reactivation campaign: win back inactive email recipients in 6 steps
If your subscribers have lost interest, a reactivation campaign is an effective way of getting them to click on your content again. In our step-by-step guide, you’ll learn what makes an email marketing campaign successful.
Visual commerce – the immense power of visualization
Visual elements play a vital role in marketing. However, only a few brands utilize their full potential when it comes to imagery and visual content. The opportunities that visual commerce offers are immense.
Checklist: 99 criteria to help you optimize your checkout
Offering the optimal user experience along all of the touchpoints of the customer journey should be the goal of every successful e-commerce business. Our checklist shows you how you can optimize your checkout process.
Networked production: CDOs needed as digital strategists and networkers
Embarking on the journey toward networked production enables companies to make their production processes much more efficient and flexible. When merging machines, systems, and humans together, CDOs have an important part to play.
Augmented reality in retail: growing customer interest due to corona
AR applications in shopping offer companies enormous potential that so far has hardly been tapped. However, the coronavirus crisis could accelerate the trend, with customer interest in augmented reality rapidly climbing in retail.
Why social media should be part of your business development
Social media is becoming increasingly important. Direct communication with existing and prospective customers along with lots of other plus points make it a success factor for business development. Find out more in this article.
Guide: Planning your social media budget wisely
For a while now, being active and engaging with customers on social media has been an absolute must for companies, regardless of their size. Implementing a social media strategy is resource-intensive. But how can you plan your social media budget wisely?
That’s why the Internet of Things needs artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence can revolutionize the Internet of Things. Both technologies have already been well-known phenomena of the digital age for years, but they can only reach their full potential when combined.
Retailtainment – the future of e-commerce?
The coronavirus pandemic is giving a massive boost to e-commerce right now. At the same time, customer behavior is changing in that it is being increasingly driven by experiences, both offline and online. As a result, stimulating retailtainment is becoming more and more relevant.
Efficient processes and reduced costs by using digital twins
Is everything running smoothly or would it be worth optimizing something? Product managers and process owners ask themselves these and similar questions on a daily basis. A digital twin can provide the right answers. This story reveals how it works.
Business ecosystems: how they benefit SMEs
Business ecosystems seem to be the answer to the challenges of digital transformation and an innovative model of the future that can make SMEs fit for the digital economy in the long term. How can small and medium-sized companies benefit on a sustained basis?
Guide: Identify key customer types and successfully engage with them
Whether consultation or sales, when it comes to convincing customer interactions, the right approach plays a vital role. Our guide shows you how to win over even the most challenging customer types.
The customer journey map: the key to understanding your customers
If you want happy customers, you have to understand them on an emotional level. What can cause frustration and moments of happiness along the customer journey? And how can these points be influenced? The customer journey map provides concrete answers.
Using adtech efficiently: more time for better media management
Ad-tech solutions are vital to modern media planning. However, it makes little sense to merely optimize the structure of campaigns. It is much more important to make time for creativity and innovation.
B2B Marketing: How to successfully tap into new target groups
Whether with social selling, video advertising, a new online store or B2B platforms, if you want to win over new target groups while they're on the go, it is particularly important in B2B marketing to forge new paths and test innovative formats.