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What can marketing pros learn from the Dubai chocolate craze?
The success of this sweet food craze isn’t simply down to luck – it’s a testament to the work of all the marketers involved. Our case study reveals the valuable insights marketing professionals can pick up from the hype surrounding Dubai chocolate.
2 days ago
Metaverse marketing: Why the platform (still) has huge potential
The euphoria surrounding the metaverse may have died down. But there’s more to the buzzword than you might first think. We present examples of successful metaverse marketing – and tips for creating an impact with your brand in the new digital sphere.
2 days ago
DMEXCO interview: marketing trends 2025 – a chat with ChatGPT
Marketing in 2025. Advanced technologies and rising customer demands are redefining the industry. What does the future hold for marketers? There’s hardly anyone better placed to answer this question than an AI built specifically for this purpose! Let’s look into the AI crystal ball and get ChatGPT’s 2025 predictions.
DMEXCO Column: Quo vadis Retail Media?
A DMEXCO Column by Patricia Grundmann, Chairwoman of the Retail Media Circle (RMC) within the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW) e. V.
Are immersive brand experiences the future of brand communication?
In a world where consumers want more than just products, immersive brand experiences are taking retail to a new level, blurring the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds and creating memorable moments that inform, inspire and connect.
The AI Act timeline: How companies can get set for 2025
A new regulatory framework for AI innovation: The EU has passed an extensive piece of regulation on artificial intelligence, the EU AI Act. Our whitepaper on the AI Act timeline sets out the steps that your business needs to implement from 2025.
Secrets of Success: 14 Top Conversion Hacks from Industry Leaders
In 2024, the DMEXCO Podcast once again hosted the who’s who of the international marketing scene. We asked all our guests one pivotal question: What’s your personal conversion hack? Here are 14 game-changing hacks from the likes of Nestlé’s CMO, Google’s VP of Search, Quantcast’s CEOs, SAP’s CMO, and many more. Get inspired and discover how to turn these hacks into your own success!
How businesses select marketing providers: insights from new study
Understanding corporate strategy: How do businesses select marketing service providers? And who decides which provider is awarded the contract? Read on to discover the valuable insights from a recent marketing study by the BVDW.
DMEXCO Column: The Website as a Model of the Past?
A DMEXCO Column by Thilo Kölzer, COO DocCheck AG
Green loyalty: how sustainability can boost customer retention
Sustainable business concepts for long-term loyalty. Read on to discover how companies can use sustainability to strengthen brand loyalty among their customers.
AI humans study: consumers open to innovation
The WongDoody agency and Professor Stephen Schuster presented a fascinating study about AI humans at #DMEXCO24. We caught up with Bianca Mack from WongDoody to find out how people responded to the study and what results she found surprising.
DMEXCO Column: Retail Media – 5 key takeaways from DMEXCO 2024 you can’t miss
A DMEXCO Column by Corinna Hohenleitner, Vice President of the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW) e. V.
Transitioning to a circular economy with green marketing strategies
Growing public awareness about climate change and sustainability is increasingly affecting consumer behavior. And, as more and more companies introduce circular economy principles, it’s an approach you should definitely be reflecting in your marketing!
DMEXCO Column: The Future of Privacy and Addressability
A DMEXCO column by Evgeny Popov.
Sustainable luxury brands: combining high-end with responsibility
How can luxury brands be more sustainable? Growing numbers of high-end labels are adapting their traditional business models and embracing a more sustainable strategy. But how does sustainable luxury work? Find out here.
Green marketing helps companies to flourish in niches
As a company operating in a niche market, you can leverage the advantages of your business model to establish sustainability as an authentic USP. But how can you implement green marketing effectively?
The future of full-service agencies: thriving or declining in the AI era?
Technological advances pose challenges for full-service agencies, which often appear slow and inflexible in a market that increasingly favors specialized providers. But is this the full story behind the full-service agency trends?
What the 5 reasons for buying green mean for your sustainability marketing
What motivates people to behave sustainably? And how can you use this knowledge to optimize your sustainability marketing? The answers to these questions are crucial to your environmental marketing – get the insights you need from our whitepaper!
November 29: This is when your Black Friday marketing pays off!
Get your Black Friday campaign ideas set for the homestretch with our 8 tips as you prepare for the world’s biggest e-commerce day on November 29! Read our guide and find out how to apply Black Friday social commerce to your business.