As a digital leader, how can you motivate your employees on a long-lasting basis?
In an era of digital transformation, a new leadership culture is needed. In particular, increasing technologization demands a stronger focus on people in order to inspire and motivate employees. Here, you can find out how to take a motivational approach to employee management.
B2B marketing on LinkedIn: five practical tips to get you started
LinkedIn is one of the biggest career platforms on the Web and has evolved into a digital networking forum. Besides making new contacts, it is worth boosting your B2B marketing on LinkedIn. We have put together five tips for your B2B marketing performance.
Facebook Shops – new worlds for retailers and customers
During the coronavirus crisis, Facebook and Instagram were updated with a new shop system that could outcompete the likes of Amazon and other shopping platforms. What opportunities do the social media modules offer to e-commerce? Read on to find out what new features are available and what sellers need to watch out for.
E-book: how to go about influencer marketing in the right way
The world of influencer marketing has become more and more differentiated and complex in recent years. In our e-book, you will learn how to develop a successful influencer marketing strategy these days.
How AR technology can optimize product development
The use of augmented reality not only leads to better results when it comes to the user experience. In product development as well, AR technologies are gaining ground and come with significant advantages.
Six tips for developing an effective social selling strategy
An effective social selling strategy opens up entirely new perspectives for marketing and sales on social networking sites. Our six tips for a successful social selling strategy will help you reach your target group effectively.
Does an agency need attitude?
Companies usually communicate their attitude proudly and publicly to the outside world through their mission statement. Are attitude and purpose needed, and maybe even crucial, for agencies as well?
Eight success factors for the corporate blogs of B2B companies
Especially in the B2B business, corporate blogs are a valuable tool for strategic communication. Here, we break down the prerequisites and factors that determine the success of your B2B blog.
Template: Use product discovery and avoid flawed developments
What does the product discovery concept involve? How do you optimally apply it and what should you keep in mind when using it? Get an overview here along with some practical tips and a free test template!
Combining the ROPO effect and showrooming to produce a formula for success
The line between e-commerce and brick-and-mortar retail is becoming increasingly blurred. This trend presents enormous opportunities when it comes to consolidating the benefits of buying habits that actually oppose each other, such as the ROPO effect and showrooming.
How you can increase your sales efficiency with lead scoring
Not everyone who is interested in your product or service will become a customer. With lead scoring, you can identify qualified leads early on. Read here to find out how to establish your own lead scoring system.
5 tips for podcast SEO – How to increase the reach of your audio content
Google has had a dedicated area for podcasts in its SERPs since May 2019. As a result, any audio recording listed by Google can also be optimized for the search engine. Here, you will find 5 tips for podcast SEO to make your podcast episodes rank higher.
Matchmaking at its best: your agency presence at DMEXCO
The agency world is all about going digital, but analog networking is still important. Read our three show cases to find out how you can specifically benefit from having an agency booth at DMEXCO.
From chief marketing officer to chief customer officer: the new role of the CMO
Chief marketing officers are becoming an endangered species: in many companies they are either being axed or renamed. In order to hold their ground, CMOs must take on a new role and develop a new understanding of themselves.
Moving from a sales funnel to a trust funnel – lasting success through trust
In many cases, a traditional sales funnel doesn’t quite cut it. A trust funnel represents a better alternative, especially for B2B marketers. Why? Because it takes the entire lifecycle of the customer into account and not just the sale alone.
Programmatic in-housing: challenges for advertisers and media agencies
In times of programmatic advertising, are media agencies becoming obsolete? Dr. Fabian Göbel from The Nunatak Group explains why it is too soon to say farewell to the intermediaries and how companies and agencies can adapt to the new options.
What awaits the advertising industry after third-party cookies become extinct?
The imminent end of third-party cookies is a turning point for the online advertising sector. It is still not entirely clear how the demise of cookies will impact personalized advertising, and a similar across-the-board solution has yet to emerge.
Online audio boom at SMEs: why audio advertising is right on trend
When it comes to audio commercials, advertisers held back for a long time. However, that has now changed dramatically. Maximilian Balbach, Managing Director of crossvertise, tells us why online audio is highly attractive to SMEs right now.
Using the Cynefin framework to develop problem-solving approaches appropriate to the situation
Growing complexity, best described by the term “VUCA”, is one of the biggest challenges for managers. One approach to tackling this complexity is the Cynefin framework. We explain how the model works.