DMEXCO 2022 | Recommendations Part I

Have you already taken a look at our conference agenda? We have picked out some of the program highlights. Curtain up for Asana, CHILI publish and treedom.

Exhibitors at DMEXCO @home 2021

Masterclass / EN

CHILI publish ‘The future of agencies and brands relies on the strength of their technology stack – gain competitive advantage in a fast-changing market’

Consumer brands and agencies are experiencing a massive shift as AI and IA become essential to compete in the global market. Brands are building in-house agencies; agencies now scramble to offer the tech brands want. Learn how Creative Automation is critical to your strategy.


Masterclass / EN

Asana Deep Dive: ‘Asana Accomplishes Marketing Projects with Fun and Efficiency’

Asana will host a masterclass features by Nina Vogt from Asana with tipps & tricks, demonstrating maximal usability, best practices and accelerated return on educated usage with Asana. Nina will provide xxample processes with Asana features focusing on Workflows, Projects and Goals around Marketing, Operations and IT.


Masterclass / EN

treedom ‘5 most common mistakes that can lead to greenwashing accusations’

As consumers increasingly search for eco-friendly and sustainability-driven products and brands, marketeers move their focus on the company’s commitment to sustainability. Green claims are made easily, but can carry the risk of greenwashing if not done properly, intentionally or unintentionally. In treedoms’ masterclass treedoom will look into the 5 most common mistakes that can lead to greenwashing accusations… And how to avoid it.