Guide: Can programmatic advertising save the advertising industry?
Programmatic advertising is undeniably among the top advertising trends. The technology has revolutionized how we (can) advertise. But how is it being embraced in practice – and how does it work exactly? Read on to learn more.

From analog to digital – advertising is being shaken up
We all know what a billboard is, right? You’d struggle not to notice these larger-than-life advertisements when driving down the highway. This form of OOH marketing still exists today. However, if you compare what a billboard can offer with the possibilities of modern digital advertising, you’ll quickly realize that although this analog advertising medium certainly still has its place and is a part of our culture, it is outdated if you want to achieve state-of-the-art, efficient, and targeted campaigns. Digitalization is the key to marketing today – tapping into a vast array of digital channels is the way to reach target customers as precisely as possible. You’d be mistaken, though, if you think that you have your finger on the pulse as an advertiser just by buying digital advertising spaces.
Digital transformation in the advertising industry
Digitalization has undoubtedly spilled over into the advertising industry. Big data, artificial intelligence, and automation are only three of today’s buzzwords. They’re more than just trending terms and concepts, and marketers should get to grips with them sooner rather than later, instead of focusing on analog advertising. After all, one thing is clear: digital technologies will significantly shape how advertising will work and how we’ll advertise in the future. In fact, they’re already doing that, not only in terms of creation, but also the industry as a whole. And programmatic advertising is an especially innovative concept in that regard.
Programmatic advertising is gaining momentum
Programmatic advertising is essentially turning the process of buying advertising space on its head while at the same time revolutionizing campaign planning and targeting. So much so that we need to start asking ourselves if traditional media trading has seen its day. Many advertising professionals have recognized the advantages of programmatic, data-driven marketing and are now leveraging the initial hype as an efficient, profitable basis for their asset management. In its latest Programmatic Data Report, the online marketing company emetriq found that nearly a third of all display ads were programmatically placed in 2021.
Explore our programmatic advertising guide now
But what exactly is programmatic advertising, and how does it beat traditional media buying? We’ve put together an easy guide in case the concept is still alien to you as a marketer. The paper is now available for free to all members of the DMEXCO community. Simply sign up here: