How to automate your marketing today

If you want to be successful in the digital data era, automating your marketing is a must.

Automate your marketing with the right tools.
Image: © Sammby / Adobe Stock

Why opt for automation and machine learning?

In a way, marketers are craftspeople who need to have a good command of their tools. These tools are constantly evolving. Among other things, machine learning has been at the cutting edge of development for some years now. The focus is on implementing technologies more effectively and automating marketing processes. Countless success stories attest to the benefits of digital tools, so we’ve taken a closer look at where marketing automation is being tapped into and what solutions are out there on the market.

Fields of application for automating day-to-day marketing tasks

Machine learning algorithms process data automatically. They learn how to detect patterns of action in order to find solutions autonomously. In doing so, they become more and more precise. This imitation of human thinking is called artificial intelligence and is much more powerful than the person operating the program. For that reason, it’s only logical to leverage automation in certain marketing disciplines.

Intelligent customer segmentation

Defining target groups is usually the first step of any campaign. The questions that need to be asked are: Who do I want my content to reach, who should I optimize my advertising for, and who will even see it in the first place? By automating marketing measures, this target group segmentation becomes a continuous process: an algorithm analyzes interactions and conversions and uses that data to autonomously optimize your campaign. As a result, your message will have an even bigger impact, enabling you to maximize your customer potential.

Managing relationships with (potential) customers

Marketing is about influencing the behavior of customers – and people you want to turn into customers. By “behavior”, we mean browsing and researching online as well as subscribing to/unsubscribing from your newsletter or the bounce rate of your website. You should collect as much data as possible about all these processes and feed it into your marketing automation tools. After all, that can then be used to determine when and even why you’re gaining or losing customers, providing you with valuable insights for your future marketing measures. At what point do newsletter subscribers become customers? Can this conversion be accelerated by offering attractive discounts? When should you target regular customers with personalized content so that you don’t lose them? You’ll find the answers to these and many more questions by automating your marketing.

Measuring the customer lifetime value

To make your relationships with customers as efficient as possible, you should factor in their customer lifetime value (CLV), which is a key indicator of how much value your company is currently getting from a customer and how this is expected to develop over time. Using the right algorithms, the CLV can be precisely calculated, stopping you from wasting your marketing budget on customers who don’t provide your company with any value in return.

Examples of tools for automating marketing disciplines

You obviously have the option to program your own solutions in order to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in your company. You don’t have to, though, because there are already plenty of useful applications on the market.

Unbounce optimizes your landing pages

Landing pages (LPs) are essential to any marketing campaign because they’re intended to turn potential customers into actual ones. Machine learning tools such as Unbounce use AI to optimize these pages, thereby increasing the number of your conversions. The application helps you personalize your landing pages and thus carries over the principles of customer group segmentation to one of the most important steps along the journey of your potential customers.

Good old Google Ads

If you want to market your products and services online, Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) should be your first port of call, which is why we’ve included it in this short list. Google Ads might not be a secret tip – but at the end of the day, you don’t want your campaign to remain a secret either. When placing your ads, the platform gives you absolute control, from defining your campaign goals and managing your budget to analyzing and automatically improving your performance.

Automated customer communication with moinAI

To stop customers going elsewhere, B2C companies need to optimize how they communicate with them. But how can that be achieved without a dedicated department working on it around the clock? The key is automation with the help of artificial intelligence. moinAI is one company offering just that. The software is particularly good at independently responding to straightforward questions and problems, which make up a big part of customer communication. moinAI thus frees up resources, giving your customer service team more time to focus on more complex issues.

Marketing automation – the next step for marketers

In these digital times, automating marketing is the name of the game. Marketers need to be up to speed on the relevant tools and how to use them if they want to stay competitive. There is no end to the learning process – and by no means does this story cover all the developments that the marketing world has seen in recent years and will continue to experience in the future. Nevertheless, marketing professionals should recognize the opportunities presented by automation and build their very own “toolkit”.