DMEXCO 2024 green code: sustainability at the expo and conference

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword for us. We believe that the digital industry must lead by example in the transformation toward a more sustainable world of work and way of life – and we aim to do just that at DMEXCO 2024.

Sustainability at our trade show: a computer module with a tree growing from it
Image: © DMEXCO

When planning and executing our event, we’re making every effort to be as sustainable as possible. To that end, we’re using the inspiring sustainability commitments made by Koelnmesse, DMEXCO’s organizer, as a basis, but we’re also going above and beyond those to make our own contribution to Koelnmesse’s green vision. In this respect, we’ve set ourselves ambitious environmental goals and are putting sustainability at the heart of our expo and conference.

Koelnmesse’s sustainability strategy

Koelnmesse intends to be a pioneer and role model for companies and entire sectors while paving the way for sustainable transformation. Its holistic approach to sustainability is reflected in the following three guiding principles:

1. Together we protect the environment and the climate.
2. Together we are making our events more sustainable.
3. Together we promote social and community involvement.

Koelnmesse’s overriding goal is to make trade show operations as resource-efficient as possible and climate-neutral by 2030. It is already saving more than 15,000 metric tons of CO₂ per year in normal operations by using 100% green electricity in its buildings. Furthermore, Cologne’s largest inner-city photovoltaic system is now being added to the roof of Hall 11. Comprising 4,800 modules, it promises an annual yield of around two million kilowatt hours (kWh). Another large-scale system is already under construction. Additionally, within the framework of a unique pilot project in Germany, Koelnmesse is completely switching the heating supply for its exhibition grounds in Cologne – the eighth-largest trade show site in the world – to climate-friendly technology. It is also leading the way in the areas of traffic, transport, logistics, trade show construction, waste prevention, circular economy, and biodiversity.

You’ll find more detailed information about Koelnmesse’s sustainability strategy and specific measures on its website.

We’re taking responsibility to reduce, reuse, and recycle

DMEXCO itself is also implementing a wide range of measures in the name of sustainability. Our sustainability efforts start even before the trade show opens its doors. Our stages and networking areas are made almost entirely of reusable parts, and we avoid using disposable items as much as we can. Our masterclass rooms are furnished with carpets that are more sustainable, and we favor short transport and procurement channels. We also store as many materials as we can so that they can be reused in subsequent years.

Moreover, we offer sustainable modular booths that can be reused from year to year, providing an optimal basis for sustainable trade show construction. These are manufactured and stored close to Koelnmesse, ensuring short transport routes and a regional infrastructure – another step to minimizing CO₂ emissions.

We also partner with catering companies that offer local and seasonal products. You can also do something good with your reusable bottles this year: Thanks to special ‘Pfand return points’, you can support charitable projects around the world when you return bottles.

The DMEXCO Forest offsets emissions

Our focus is on reducing emissions. Although completely eliminating them isn’t possible, we do offset any unavoidable emissions. One way we achieve that is with our DMEXCO Forest – an agroforestry project we’ve been supporting in Kenya, Cameroon, Ecuador, and Madagascar since 2019. Together with the social business Treedom, more than 3,000 trees have been planted so far as part of this initiative. These will store around 1 million kilograms of CO₂ by 2029!

Tips for a more sustainable trade show experience

A trade show is nothing without its exhibitors and visitors – from a sustainability perspective as well. We’ve compiled a few tips to help us all make DMEXCO 2024 on September 18 and 19 a more sustainable event.

The DMEXCO green code


We’re putting sustainability center stage

Sustainability will be a key topic at DMEXCO 2024. Responsible marketing and sustainable media will be focal points at the CMO Summit and on the Agencies Stage – so you’ll be sure to find plenty of inspiration for implementing sustainable practices in your business.


Inclusion and sustainability are inextricably linked at DMEXCO. We ensure that everyone can take part in our event – regardless of physical limitations. To that end, we have put measures in place to enable visitors with restricted mobility to move around the exhibition grounds without any problems. Depending on the layout of the halls, there are various paths from the entrances to the halls – our info staff will be happy to answer any questions or provide assistance. There are accessible restrooms in every hall, which are shown on the map provided. In addition, most of the exhibition center’s elevators are completely accessible.

Sustainability built into the trade show concept: working together for a bright future

DMEXCO and Koelnmesse are doing everything they can to make the trade show industry more sustainable. We’re paving the way to a greener future by delivering inspiring concepts and implementing practical measures. That said, our trade show can only be sustainable if everyone plays their part – from the organizers to the exhibitors and visitors. By following the tips above, we can all contribute to a more sustainable event.

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