White paper: Intelligent online marketing in times of Covid-19
The corona crisis is turning the world of online marketing upside down. Find out in our white paper which industries are hit particularly hard and how you can develop clever strategies to react to the current situation.

How is coronavirus influencing the world of marketing?
The Covid-19 pandemic has society firmly in its grip. But its impact on the world of online marketing cannot fully be predicted yet. Search marketing agency eology has reconstructed the chronology of the crisis, identified its winners and losers and compiled current best cases for sensible marketing strategies. We have summarized eology’s collection of facts on the effects of coronavirus on the online world as well as food for thought and tips for marketers in our white paper.
E-commerce: Winner or loser in the crisis?
In a study by Händlerbund, 412 online retailers were asked about their experiences in the corona crisis. Just over half (55 percent of those surveyed) stated that the current situation is having a negative impact on their business. For around one third, 36 percent, however, the opposite was true: business (almost) as usual. The pandemic had had neither a good nor bad effect on their e-commerce. And 9 percent of the retailers surveyed even reported growth compared to the time before the crisis.
The effects of Covid-19 on business depend hugely on the sector in question. The restrictions on movement are having a particularly negative impact on the travel and leisure industry, on restaurants and on brick-and-mortar retail. In the online sector, however, there are some companies that are profiting from the crisis. These include online pharmacies, streaming services, electronics retailers and parcel delivery services.
Communication is key: Good crisis communication is worth its weight in gold
But no matter what industry your company is in: now it is crucial to adapt marketing strategies to the current situation and try to make the best of things. One of the most important measures is communication. At the moment, it is more important than ever to maintain good contact with customers and business partners, and to build on this. The best way to do this is via social media, but newsletter updates and a website that is always kept up to date also help you create a basis of trust with your stakeholders. It is your chance to become approachable. As a businessperson, you can therefore take the floor and tell people how you and your company are doing in the crisis. You can also use your position to encourage others and deliver noticeable added value to your target group. This way you will be remembered as a professional point of contact even after the crisis.
Download: White paper on successful online marketing strategies in the crisis
Many companies big and small have succeeded in making a virtue of necessity and attracting attention with creative campaigns and clever marketing strategies. From mister*lady to Mercedes Benz to Aldi – our white paper shows you how other companies have reacted to the current situation and gives you helpful tips for sensible marketing measures so that your company can cope with the crisis as well as possible.