DMEXCO podcast: A treat for your ears!

Katja Nettesheim & Alex Wunschel talk to exclusive guests in audio format for listening to now and then.

DMEXCO podcast: A treat for your ears!

The DMEXCO podcast has been launched with support from the audio experts RMS and two distinguished personalities as hosts. Prof. Dr. Katja Nettesheim has been addressing the challenges of digital transformation with established companies for twelve years. Her co-host is no less than podcast pioneer Alex Wunschel. He is also Chairman of the Munich Marketing Club. Together Katja and Alex will be tackling the range of topics covered by DMEXCO: Marketing, Media, Technology, Business and Future. They will talk to extraordinary guests about the trends, developments and challenges in the digital economy. And I talk to them about the new podcast.

Why a DMEXCO podcast now?

Alex: DMEXCO has the topics, the interviewees, the opinion leaders and sets trends. At DMEXCO itself, this takes place in a very compressed form. The DMEXCO podcast thus not only uses a modern format, which is increasingly established in the target group’s media set, it also enables us to reflect on and address the dynamism of the industry over a longer period of time.


Katja: There are so many interesting personalities in the DMEXCO environment who visitors would love to talk to. But these people only have 24 hours in their days too. And, with the abundance of things on offer at DMEXCO, the visitor unfortunately doesn’t have the opportunity to hear all the exciting panels and do business at the same time – hence the podcast, which extends DMEXCO further into the year.


Katja Nettesheim: All that’s missing is a glass of wine


What’s your personal relationship to podcasting? How did you get into it?

Katja: I started devising and recording the podcast series “medien digital?!” with Joel Kaczmarek almost two years ago. I caught the bug. Because a good podcast is like an in-depth conversation with an interesting dialog partner – and there are far too few opportunities for this! Unfortunately the podcast is missing a glass of wine …


Alex: I’ve been podcasting since 2005 and have produced 16 podcasts with some 750 podcast episodes. The effect of audio, voice and hearing fascinated me from the beginning. And with my first iPod I searched for freely available MP3 files and came across Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code.


Alex Wunschel: I’m an audiophile digital marketer!


Why do you think you are the best hosts imaginable?

Katja: Because I’m passionate about the topics digital, digital transformation of companies, new technologies and media and the advertising industry and I have been tackling these in depth for 15 years. Besides, some people say I’m charming – although some who are close to me probably see it differently 😉


Alex: You’ll have to ask someone else that. I’m definitely looking forward to the exciting interviews and will try to develop the format respectfully. And maybe there’s a creative idea or two we can use to stretch the podcast a bit. I already experimented with soundseeing tours in 2007, played with binaural sounds, tested the effect of audio per se. Everything that helps us to convey exciting content in an interesting way via audio: that’s where I feel at home. I’m an audiophile creative.


Please finish this sentence: The DMEXCO podcast is a good podcast …

Katja: … if we lose track of time while we’re recording and people do the same while listening.


Alex: … if listeners subscribe to it and are always happy to stay to the end.

The DMEXCO podcast can be heard via the website or subscribed to at RMS, iTunes, Deezer or Spotify. By the way: during DMEXCO 2018, you can follow the podcast production live at the RMS stand.