“Digital education” whitepaper

Even if some may doubt it based on recent experience: the future of education is digital. Find out what digital education means and what opportunities it offers in our free whitepaper.

Digital education whitepaper – explore the future of education
Image: © fizkes / Adobe Stock
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What is digital education?

Digital education generally means the use of digital tools, technologies, or methods in teaching or learning. The terms “technology-enhanced learning (TEL)” and “e-learning” are also closely related and frequently used in this context. The range of strategies for implementing e-learning concepts is enormous and includes

  • the sporadic use of digital technologies in in-classroom teaching,
  • the use of digital options for remote teaching,
  • the use of robotics in class,
  • and online courses or learning programs that can be completed entirely without teachers.

The term “digital education” thus covers an array of completely different methods and concepts, which we examine in our “Digital education” whitepaper through a selection of real-life use cases. Download the whitepaper here now.

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Far-reaching digitalization of the education system is unavoidable

Especially in light of the experiences and challenges resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, everyone is talking about digital education and digitalization of the education system, and the relevance of the topic is being appreciated more than ever before, whether by students, employees, parents, teachers, or politicians – basically the whole of society. Like in other fields, the experiences and findings of the past year have turned out to be the engine driving digitalization in the education sector.

However, the question now is how much fuel is still in the tank or how charged is the battery? Home schooling and remote teaching without a concept, sometimes even without a basic digital infrastructure or access to trouble-free digital communication and collaboration, have been a source of agitation and distress. Calls for a radical transformation have never been so loud.

There isn’t a lack of concepts, tools, methods, or positive examples for the implementation of digital education across the world and even in Germany – making it all the more important that these positive examples catch on and are more widely accepted. Don’t miss out on our free “Digital education” whitepaper, where we introduce you to some concepts and use cases of digital learning and teaching.

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The future of education matters to us all

Digital education is by no means a topic that is confined to a school context, though. The way we live and work is being digitally transformed, making lifelong learning more relevant than ever before, no matter how old we are or what stage we are at in life. Without continual professional upskilling and the practical transfer of technical and digital know-how, many working arrangements will increasingly reach their limits. Further training, continuing education, and flexible digital adult education programs will be the key to a profitable and self-determined future, both for employees and employers, and are consequently relevant to everyone.

In our free whitepaper, you’ll learn what formats, concepts, and technologies are already being used today to enable hands-on, personalized, and remote knowledge transfer and knowledge acquisition. Download it here now.

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Digital education – download our whitepaper here

In our whitepaper, we shine a spotlight on digital education concepts, examples, and approaches, delve into use cases where individual aspects of digital education have been specifically, innovatively, and successfully implemented, and hear from experts and prominent people who have already achieved success from using digital technologies in the field of education.

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