Content is king, even in the business-to-business world
Content marketing is not only gaining in importance in the B2C environment. More and more B2B companies are relying on digital content.

Loyalty to and acceptance of conventional advertising are declining, while forms of advertising such as content marketing are gaining economic influence within companies. As early as 2016, its economic influence in the area of digital marketing activities was in first place at 21 percent. One central reason is that potential customers in today’s digital world actively seek information, messages and entertainment on their own. Content marketing manages to reach the target group in an authentic way, namely when the user is actively searching and wanting information.
B2B content marketing is coming of age
The communication and marketing departments of business-to-business companies also feel that their own customers are increasingly gaining control of the market and can be reached less and less via traditional channels. Today’s customers have access to information at all times and place high demands on products, service and communication. B2B companies must consider how to differentiate themselves in the marketplace while addressing key customer issues and delivering relevant content through the appropriate channels.
On your mark, ready, content?
In an effort to reach potential customers, more and more B2B companies are using digital content marketing and trying to create useful high-quality content to gain the attention of their own target group, differentiate themselves on the market or generate new leads. Successful B2B content marketing must be carefully planned, structured and aligned with the company’s own objectives. This requires know-how in the area of strategy development and the creation of content formats. In addition to this, a certain digital competence is advantageous for coordinating online channels and specific content formats.
Whitepaper: First steps in B2B content marketing
In our whitepaper “Introduction to B2B content marketing: creating added value through digital content”, we show which formats are suitable for social media channels and how B2B companies can convey added value through digital content. Find out how you can deliver quality and useful content to your audience.