Content distribution: seven ways to reach more readers

Even excellent content is not automatically successful. Several components are required for this.

Content distribution: seven ways to reach more readers
© WhatsBroadcast

Anyone who invests a lot in content naturally wants it to be found. Many people dream of producing a viral hit that provides maximum reach with minimal effort. This could happen, but only rarely works and is also hard to calculate. Consistent work and a great deal of patience are key.

Those who want fast and easily measurable success will probably have to focus primarily on paid distribution. These include ads on Facebook and Google or sponsored posts on the relevant pages. However, these forms of distribution have the disadvantage that they are generally only effective as long as money continues to be pumped into them.

Organic distribution is an alternative. Those who go about it cleverly can develop a growing foundation over time. I would like to briefly introduce seven ways to achieve this here:

The social web

With a presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest, you can build up an active followership over time. You don’t have to reconnect with them over and over again, as is the case with ads. At the same time, however, you must maintain a good relationship with these users on an ongoing basis, while at the same time thinking long-term. The biggest disadvantage of the social web is the influence of automatics (algorithms), which determine how much reach each of your posts will have based on various criteria. The rules for this can change from one day to the next. Facebook is known and feared for it, but you shouldn’t feel any safer elsewhere either. With this in mind, one should not rely on this channel alone.

Search engine optimization

The situation is similar with SEO. If you are skillful, you can generate a growing flow of traffic over time. But even here, the rules can change radically at short notice. In this respect, SEO is also only one component among many.

Your own website

A website of your own gives you something to refer to via the social web or search engine. Many people have declared websites to be obsolete. As a central content hub, however, they are more relevant than ever. On your own site, you can also work independently from Google, Facebook and others. You just have to motivate visitors to subscribe to one of your mailing lists or to get in touch with you in some other way.

Email newsletters

Yes, email: depending on the target group, you can still reach many people with this old tool. Some people still prefer it over newer applications like messengers. In addition to this, you have the greatest freedom here, because email is an open format and you are therefore not dependent on any one provider.


WhatsApp and similar apps can complement email or even replace it for some customers. Unfortunately, this also requires dependency on individual providers along with their specifications and features. As preferences for tools change over time, you can therefore risk losing the contacts collected using a specific app. It is important to keep this risk in mind.

Brand ambassadors

External fans and a company’s own employees can be considered brand ambassadors. This means they recommend and distribute the content via their own channels. Sometimes this can happen on its own. But if you are serious about it, you have to work at it and address particularly active followers directly, for example. The same applies to our own employees, but they require clearly defined guidelines and concrete suggestions for content.

Public relations

Last but not least, PR can be an important component to reaching your own target group. Many people inform themselves via internet today. Nonetheless, conventional media such as newspapers and magazines or radio and TV programs continue to play an important role. Influencer relations are an important part of this as well. In contrast to paid influencer marketing, the aim here is to establish a relationship with a multiplier in one’s own subject area. Besides journalists, these can be bloggers, YouTubers, instagramers or consultants and speakers.

The bottom line

All these components combine to form a successful concept. They can move each other forward. Anyone present on the social web or in search engines, for example, is more likely to be discovered by a multiplier. Those who win important influencers for themselves improve their signals on Facebook, Google and elsewhere.

The basis of all this is of course the content itself and that you know exactly how to reach your target group. After all, there is an abundance of content on the internet today. If you want to attract attention here, you need good ideas combined with a good dose of creativity and patience.