ChatGPT: what is the AI chatbot capable of?
ChatGPT is “just” a chatbot, but somehow the hottest topic on the Internet. Why? What does ChatGPT offer? And what potential does the AI chat tool have?

What is a chatbot?
“ELIZA” is considered to be the world’s first chatbot. The artificial conversational partner was developed in 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum as a way of communicating with people and recording this communication. It worked by taking the user’s inputted words as a basis to formulate suitable responses, all while reflecting human behavior patterns.
There are now a whole host of chatbots out there, mainly in the areas of community management and customer service. The majority still work in very much the same way as ELIZA, i.e. with prebuilt databases. Admittedly, these databases are now much more complex, but their basic principle is no different.
A whole new level: AI-enabled chatbots
AI-enabled chatbots autonomously search various databases and undergo a continuous learning process with the goal of mimicking human communication as well as understanding and remembering semantic constructions. They translate human language into computer language. Two different transformation processes come into play here: NLP (natural language processing) and NLU (natural language understanding).
These AI chatbots are also predominantly used for customer interactions and support. Facebook’s bots are one well-known example. Amazon and Shopify are two brands that successfully implement chatbots in e-commerce. In the financial sector, the Wells Fargo and Bank of America chatbots help answer questions about bank accounts, transfers, and transactions. The sphere of influence of smart bots even extends as far as the healthcare sector, where the WebMD and Mayo Clinic chatbots respond to questions relating to symptoms and health data.
So, what is ChatGPT?
We asked ChatGPT itself:
“GPT stands for ‘Generative Pre-trained Transformer’. It is a neural network model used for machine learning and natural language processing. It was developed by OpenAI and is capable of generating human-like texts and forming meaningful sentences. GPT is frequently used to create chatbots, automate customer support, and translate texts.”
And in our words: ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful tool that in theory can answer all possible queries and write texts about any topic. Above all, ChatGPT highlights the potential of artificial intelligence. It can answer pretty much any question and even take on creative tasks.
Hey, ChatGPT: how could you transform content marketing?
ChatGPT: “When it comes to content marketing, GPT could help speed up and simplify the content creation process by automatically generating human-like content and forming meaningful sentences. That could be used to create blog posts, news articles, or social media posts, for example.
However, it should be remembered that GPT is no replacement for human authors, and it will remain important to create high-quality and relevant content that appeals to the target group and is aligned with a company’s business goals. GPT can merely serve as an aid to content creation and shouldn’t be used as the sole source of content.”
Conclusion: ChatGPT is just the start
ChatGPT clearly demonstrates where technology is heading. Until now, AI’s potential was mainly seen in creating images or graphics, but the quality of ChatGPT’s texts is changing that and showing that intelligent, automated systems can also take on writing tasks. This kind of tool will prove especially valuable for social media posts as well as alt and title texts in SEO.
And that’s only the beginning: ChatGPT can compose symphonies, write poems, and program codes.
Is there anything it can’t do? Again, we asked ChatGPT directly: “An example of a question I can’t answer because I don’t have enough information would be asking about the weather in a particular place on a future date. Since I don’t have the latest weather data and am also not able to retrieve it, I can’t make an accurate forecast. An example of a question I can’t answer because it’s too complex or abstract would be asking about the meaning of life. This is a highly complex question that covers many different aspects and can’t be answered conclusively. Everybody has their own idea of what a fulfilled life means for them, and there is no one universally valid answer.”
Thank you, ChatGPT.