Guide: How to create attractive product descriptions
Good product texts are essential for a successful online store. Our guide explains how to create product descriptions with that "wow" effect.

Why are good product descriptions so important?
If you go looking for a particular product online, you’ll be inundated with offers. Good image material usually helps online store operators to highlight products to interested browsers, but images alone are often not enough to convert that interest into a purchase when it comes to technical details or special features. Precise and convincing product text, on the other hand, can supplement the key product information.
But simply copying the manufacturer’s product description won’t cut it: if you want to stand out from your competitors, then you need to create informative product text that adds value. To reach your desired target group, you should also keep the Google algorithm in mind: portals with editorial content get a higher ranking, which can then also extend their reach. If you simply reuse existing descriptions from manufacturers’ sites, Google will view this as both duplicate and third-party content. Which means that the search engine will penalize your online store with a poor ranking.
Put simply, well-formulated product descriptions in an online store can boost the conversion rate.
What is a good product description?
Giving potential customers facts and content about a product is a good first step, but try to focus on the essentials rather than overwhelming visitors to your website with reams of text and detailed product reports. A few key points are easier to take in than lots of text and can still add enough value.
Next, instead of making the product text overly complex, keep it easy to understand. When it comes to convincing people to buy your products, your main audience is ordinary people, not just experts. Interesting tidbits about how the product was developed or other emotional factors (e.g. sustainable production, social engagement, etc.) are another way to win over customers.
There is no tried and tested recipe for creating ideal product descriptions, and the best type of content will depend on the product and store. For example, how many people do you think would be interested in reading a blog article with several subheadings and detailed descriptions of a specific type of screwdriver? That’s right, not very many.
If you have an extensive product range and very little time to come up with a unique product description for each item, then automatic product descriptions may be the answer. This service uses software to automatically generate unique descriptions for each item.
Our free guide explains what a good product description should cover.
An important factor for the customer experience: Optimizing product pages
Just like brick-and-mortar specialty shops, online stores also need to provide customers with detailed product information and plenty of advice. In other words, they need to provide a unique customer experience to stand out from their competitors and thus retain visitors to their store in the long term. If you want to be successful here, there are some points that you need to consider:
#1 Choose unique branding
People who are interested in a particular product tend to search a variety of online stores and compare what they have to offer. It’s worth remembering that many product pages don’t just use a standard structure but are also confusingly similar when it comes to the details. Choosing a unique store design that stands out visually will boost your recognition factor and make it easier and quicker for users to return to your website during their online search.
#2 Emphasize unique selling points
If you want to stand out from the crowd, then it is essential to emphasize your store’s unique selling points and advantages. Particularly quick delivery times, free shipping, or complimentary gifts over a certain order amount are some convincing factors that can ultimately convert interested visitors into customers.
#3 Use appealing images
The visual presentation of the items in your store is a crucial part of creating a positive customer experience; good product images encourage people to click on them and – in the best-case scenario – to make a purchase. A high image resolution and the option to zoom in if necessary are vital. Giving several different views of the product is also an advantage; remember that the aim is to reproduce the sensory experience of being in a brick-and-mortar store as closely as possible.
#4 Optimize for mobile devices
More and more people are shopping online from their smartphone and less from their home computer, so product pages need to be easy to navigate on small displays as well. This includes making control buttons big enough and stripping out the non-essentials. You should ideally avoid impractical elements such as horizontal scrolling and product images that are too small, otherwise users will quickly become frustrated and go elsewhere.
#5 Write useful product descriptions
Unique product texts that are easy to read are essential to your product pages. Short, precise details about the product that are credible and also in an appropriate font will put the perfect finishing touch to the shopping experience.
Follow our guide to write distinctive product texts
If you want your online store to offer a unique user experience and convince customers to buy your products, then read our free guide “Creating good product descriptions: Here’s how” – it is filled with helpful tips and tricks that will help you create product texts and boost your conversion rate. Time to get started!