What comes after the digital hangover, and is the blockchain the cure?
Christof Baron coined the term “digital drunkenness” in 2016, followed by the “digital hangover” in 2017. In the DMEXCO Podcast the Global Head of Media at Sanofi visited with our host Katja about the digital world and its challenges.
Christof Baron describes the biggest challenge in digital marketing: “We are neglecting the topic of sustainability.” We speak with him about the current position of marketing in the digital cycle.
“We aren’t masters of this technology yet”
The conversation with Podcast Host Katja centers around advertisers’ dependency on technology providers and the conditions advertisers must meet to keep the upper hand in this game.
It’s about new technologies, the emancipation of brands and the blockchain.
Christof Baron has already commented on the subject of blockchain. You can read the story here.