Shout out II – For more female Empowerment
DMEXCO creates space for more female power in digital business.

In order to give women at management levels even more space and to give them a stronger voice, we have already compiled a number of statements from women in the digital economy with strong opinions in a first shout-out for more female empowerment. Today another five women have their say with their ideas of “female empowerment”. For the “Mission Female” by Frederike Probert, Anika Magenheim, Sabine Adleff, Britta Heer, Vera Schneevoigt and Kerstin Pape have brought their opinions to the point. The five explain to us, among other things, why female managers still find it so difficult, what role men play in this and why heterogeneous management is so important in their opinion.
Sabine Adleff, Head of Senior Brand Management Burda Style Luxury
“Why is heterogeneous management important for businesses? Because different talents are better at managing bandwidth and leading across the board to success. I think women have an outstanding talent for a more long-term approach to challenges than men. Mission Female underlines and acrively supports this competitive advantage for corporations. Keep it up! If we can now also manage to make women more pro-active in their positions, we create an important social purpose in addition to the economic benefit. This has to be taught and promoted even in years of girls and women.”
Britta Heer, Managing Director Brand Marketing Edelman GmbH
“We all know how important and essential networks are for professional success. Women who support each other are just getting along better and faster. Thank you Mission Female for making that possible.”
Vera Schneevoigt, CDO Bosch Security & Safety Systems
“We women need to stick together and empower each other, which enables us to influence many areas, both entrepreneurial and societal, from the immediate environment to business and politics. The potential we can achieve through our networks is gigantic. When we strengthen each other, we can be successful together. I am very pleased to support MissioN Female, and to empower even more gifted women on their way up to top management levels.”
Kerstin Pape, Head of Customer Excellence Freenet AG
“There are more and more female executives, but the air is getting thinner upwards. From my observations, there are three concrete reasons for this. 1) Men – and the proportion is still higher on upper levels – tend to encourage more men than women. 2) Women still have the conflict of bringing family and full-time jobs together. There are still too few men being ready to work part-time. 3) Women should become even more active in networking and marketing their person and accomplishments in order to easily get more visibility for management and externally. It’s great that Mission Female is taking on these important topics.”
Anika Magenheim, Unit Sales Director Lifestyle Motor Presse Stuttgart
“In order to be able to fully assess processes, decisions and their effects on external business relationship for businessess, a heterogeneous management team is required. We are not there yet. Thank you Mission Female for placing this important topic among companies and strong business women.”