Participant statements: great expectations for DMEXCO @home
The excitement is growing! In a few days, DMEXCO @home will finally be opening its virtual doors. What is the community expecting from the digital DMEXCO and what is on the participants’ agenda? We have collected a few statements.

“I have been an exhibitor at DMEXCO for the last seven years, so you could call me a regular, and I have always loved the expo. Even though it can be quite exhausting in the loud expo halls. Despite this, DMEXCO was (and is!) the meeting place for digital marketers that you don’t want to miss out on. This year, it will be just from our sofas/home offices and above all: from a new professional perspective for me. So it will be interesting and exciting, I already know that for sure.”
Networking, sharing ideas, and interaction take center stage at DMEXCO @home
DMEXCO has already made a name for itself in previous years as a central meeting place for all important decision-makers from the digital economy, marketing, and innovation sectors. Networking, sharing ideas, and interaction are therefore still important to those participating in our purely digital event this year:
“Networking, networking, networking: I am curious to see how I can connect with other participants before and during the event.”
“Experience a real virtual conference. Finding partners to accelerate the digital transformation.”
“My main focus is to network and discover new business opportunities.”
“The objective of this approach is to open a direct and productive dialogue with brands at the right level, regarding messaging & CPaaS technology as a marketing/loyalty tool.”
In search of inspiration and information
Through the sharing of knowledge and experiences, DMEXCO has been a driver of innovation in the digital industry from the very start. So it’s no surprise that many participants see our virtual format as an ideal place for discovering relevant industry trends and finding out about cutting-edge products and technical solutions:
“I want to keep aware of the industry trends and learn about new products/solutions, interesting conferences, and concrete business cases applicable to my industry (insurance).”
“I am interested in integrated marketing tech solutions and will be attending online events related to companies that provide solutions in this area, such as Salesforce, Adobe, Oracle, and so forth.”
Eagerly anticipated innovative conference formats
Intriguing sessions and top speakers as well as practical masterclasses and deep dives – DMEXCO @home will be serving up a diverse lineup and a variety of education formats. The informative and entertaining content being offered during the two-day expo program is also extremely relevant for participants:
“First of all: I support your effort in creating a totally new experience – congrats for your courage. It’s not only an interesting move from a technical and cultural perspective. It also signals so much positivity in how to deal with this crisis and should encourage us all. So I really cheer you and will of course attend DMEXCO @home. I want to focus on masterclasses and deep dives. I will skip conference speakers instead and want to watch these contributions afterwards – here I would appreciate recordings from the “stages” as in the past. I am very curious about the possibility to talk to publishers and companies. I want to have a call with Spotify and other publishers in the field of programmatic audio and programmatic in-stream video.”