Mobile data – and its added value for marketing
Data generated by smartphones enable new marketing strategies. Daniel Rieber (MMA) explains how.

Which mobile data provide added value in marketing?
The smartphone accompanies consumers throughout their everyday lives, forming the bridge between offline behavior and digital marketing. This provides advertisers with a wide range of mobile data – from location data and information from app usage, to first-party data from telcos or e-commerce platforms. This makes it possible to address the right target group at the right “mobile moment”.
What are the possible application scenarios?
Mobile data can be used by advertisers in a wide variety of ways and are well suited to both branding goals and performance campaigns. One obvious area of application for mobile advertising is of course local trade. For example, advertisers can address consumers based on their location and thus guide them to their local shops. In this use case, mobile data can not only be used for targeting but also for analyzing campaign success. The location data can be used to measure the actual number of visitors and thereby determine an uplift.
Can you give a specific example?
For a recent campaign of the restaurant chain Subway in France, the mobile behavior of many millions of users was analyzed and the target group “fast food lovers” was created. These were then addressed at the appropriate mobile moment and informed about the offer in a video format. And this was a success: the actual number of visitors rose by 46.72 percent. And even more exciting: in the same period, the main competitor’s visitor numbers in the test group fell by 39.44 percent.
Which providers and service providers make such campaigns with mobile data possible?
There are now a large number of providers in this area. In general, a distinction can be made between data owners, such as publishers or telcos, and platforms and third parties that allow access to these data. These include, for example, demand side platforms that help advertisers find the right advertising space, data management platforms that collect and analyze data, or data exchanges. While some platforms work across channels, there are also some providers specializing in mobile data, such as YOC, Smaato or Adsquare.
How does the consumer benefit?
Mobile data enable granular targeting of target groups and their respective context. Users expect personalized content and services tailored to their current situation, especially on smartphones. This should also apply to advertising, to avoid reactance and to achieve the maximum advertising impact.
What is there to consider when it comes to data protection?
Advertisers should ensure that they work with trusted partners who comply with data protection regulations and respect the privacy of users. Since the GDPR came into force and with the upcoming ePrivacy Regulation, any personal data requires the explicit consent of the user.