Interview: Dropbox’s presence at DMEXCO @home

The cloud storage provider will be presenting their Dropbox Business solution which allows teams to share, sync and collaborate on files securely. Andy Wilson, Director of Media, gives us more details about the company’s expo presence.

At DMEXCO @home, cloud storage provider Dropbox will be introducing “Dropbox Business”, its smart workspace for companies.
Image: © Dropbox

#1 Why do you want to be a part of DMEXCO @home?

Dropbox has long served and partnered with the marketing community. We see this as an opportunity to connect, learn, and share what we’ve been working on that can uniquely add value and address attendees’ challenges.

#2 What product are you going to present at DMEXCO @home?

We will share Dropbox Business, which helps teams stay organized, in sync, and focused on their most important work, from wherever they are. Dropbox Business offers powerful storage, sharing, and collaboration tools. We are also excited to announce new features that will help marketing and creative professionals bring their work to life.

#3 Which features (masterclasses, spaces, sessions, etc.) are you going to make use of and how are you going to integrate those into your general marketing concept?

Dropbox will be a “Challenger” sponsor and will be hosting a brand showroom, a virtual café, a leadership podcast, and an interactive masterclass. Details on the Dropbox @DMEXCO presence can be found below:

Connect with us

  • The Dropbox Brand Showroom will give attendees an opportunity to connect with Dropbox experts and learn how Dropbox Business can help teams stay organized, in sync, and focused on their most important work, from wherever they are.
  • The Dropbox Virtual Café will allow attendees to connect with the Dropbox team and get an in-depth view of new features that will help marketing and creative professionals bring their work to life.

Hear from us

  • In our interactive masterclass, Accelerating agency workflows with Dropbox, attendees will hear how Dropbox can help design agency workflows in collaborating with the best talent and dream clients throughout the world – from anywhere. Also, hear from leading innovators in this space, such as media agency Exposure on how it has redesigned the way its creatives are building their campaigns from home while keeping the usual high degree of passion and quality in flow.
  • Our Q&A with Dropbox CMO Tifenn Dano Kwan will dive into how the Dropbox marketing team is reinventing digital experiences, shaping customer experience, and creating “momentum” rather than “moments”.

Meet with us

  • The Dropbox team will be available for one-on-one meetings to give an in-depth product demo, answer questions, and help you learn how Dropbox Business can be effective in your organization.

#4 What are your expectations for DMEXCO @home?

Dropbox is excited to participate in the first virtual DMEXCO event. We are looking forward to connecting with the marketing community and sharing what’s new for marketing and creative professionals.