Get ahead of the game with moment marketing

From the European soccer championships to the Olympics: all eyes are on 2024’s impressive schedule of major sports events. Your brand can get in on the action using moment marketing. So, get out your calendar and start preparing your campaigns!

Moment marketing: leverage the magic of the 2024 sporting year
Image: © Black White Mouse / AdobeStock

Sports events for your 2024 marketing calendar

Marketers spend a lot of time chasing down or creating new trends to then run suitable advertising campaigns that hopefully go viral. But sometimes all you need to do is take a look at the year’s calendar. That’s because maximum exposure is already preprogrammed into big public events. Whether an election, sports competition, or cultural event – some events promise to generate a big social media buzz and attract the attention of large parts of society. To make the most of that as a marketer, the following sports events are a must in your 2024 marketing calendar:

  • June 14 to July 14, 2024: Men’s European soccer championships, Germany
  • June 29 to July 21, 2024: Men’s Tour de France
  • July 26 to August 11, 2024: Summer Olympics in Paris, France
  • August 12 to August 18, 2024: Tour de France Femmes
  • August 28 to September 8, 2024: Paralympics in Paris, France
  • December 15, 2024, to January 3, 2025: World Darts Championship in London, England

Although the European soccer championships (EURO 2024) and the Summer Olympics definitely stand out the most on this year’s sporting horizon, other events like the World Darts Championship and the Men’s and Women’s Tour de France are also creating a real air of excitement. The world’s biggest cycling race has received extra exposure thanks to Netflix following it with the camera as part of the spectacular show “Tour de France: Unchained”. Shortly after being released in 2023, the first season was one of the top 10 most popular Netflix series in Germany. Season 2, released on June 11, 2024, is now set to build on that success. The sport of darts has also hit the bull’s-eye in terms of delivering thrilling competitions that appeal to a wide audience. SPORT1 even broke records in Germany in the TV and digital segments when it broadcast the 2023 World Darts Championship. An average of 600,000 viewers from the age of three watched the 28 sessions on the free-to-air television channel, with males aged between 14 and 59 making up half of that number. By using creative campaigns, you can harness the momentum of these sports events for your brand and blow the competition away.

Trend alert for your moment marketing

Moment marketing is all about identifying and tapping into the latest trends – ideally there and then. That’s why it’s also referred to as real-time marketing. While campaigns normally require you to have quick reflexes, a good eye for social media trends, and a talent for perfect timing, major sports events give you more of a head start for preparing your marketing activities.

By successfully reflecting trends in your moment marketing, you can significantly boost your organic reach. Sports events also give you a unique opportunity to create an emotional connection with your brand, which will happen naturally anyway in this kind of competitive setting. All you have to do is deliver the content – after that, it’s smooth sailing!

Moment marketing: know your fans

In the world of marketing, knowing your target group is absolutely paramount – and it’s no different in moment marketing. So ask yourself: Where and how will your customers be watching EURO 2024? Will you reach them in a public viewing area in the city or on their TV and smartphone screens at home? The answers will tell you whether you’d be better off reserving out-of-home advertising spaces or running social media campaigns.

In the context of sports marketing, there are a range of different strategies you can use, each with their own advantages for your brand:

#1 Name-dropping with a licensing contract

During sports events such as the Olympics and European soccer championships, your company could become an official sponsor or buy licensing rights, authorizing you to use the event’s logos, brand names, and advertising spaces. That lets you showcase your brand and establish a strong and credible link between your company and the event, thus reaching millions of people.

#2 Get your slice of the sporting hype with guerrilla marketing

Alternatively, you could jump on the bandwagon by using ambush marketing. This form of guerrilla marketing lets you capitalize on sports events without a sponsoring contract. However, you have to be careful not to infringe on the trademarks of UEFA or other event organizers. That said, you’re free to make general references to the sport and tournament in order to reach countless people when they’re in high spirits.

#3 Put sports influencers front and center

When every conversation in offices, cafés, and beer gardens revolves around EURO 2024 or the Olympics, that’s when you need the opinion of sports experts, who are becoming increasingly respected. You can use this to your brand’s advantage. Well in advance of the event, scout around for former or currently active sportspeople, coaches, or influencers who otherwise aren’t in the limelight and could take your marketing to another level. You can profit from their amplified media relevance and reach during the event, all while reducing your costs compared to other methods. It goes without saying that you need to build such collaborations ahead of time to make sure you’re ready when the starting gun is fired.

Moment marketing in the political sphere

A politician who knocks it out of the park with their speech in a high-stakes election would be regarded as a frontrunner: sports metaphors are frequently used in politics. And the similarities don’t end there: you can also use moment marketing measures in the context of major political events. The “Democracy is ABOUT YOU” campaign, which Jung von Matt just implemented for ABOUT YOU in line with the timing of the 2024 European elections, is a prime example. As part of this, all customers of the online fashion store were sent their orders in delivery boxes that doubled up as demonstration signs containing powerful statements denouncing racism and supporting democracy. Of course, you have to be careful not to take political sides. However, there’s nothing stopping you from issuing positive statements about democracy and diversity – that will make you stand out as an inclusive brand and work wonders for your corporate identity and corporate social responsibility.

Seize the sporting moment to market your brand

2024 is set to take the world by storm with its many sporting events, from the European soccer championships in Germany to the Summer Olympics in Paris. Sports have the power to bring people together and generate excitement across the whole of society. You can capitalize on the hype by skillfully applying moment marketing. Whether with a sponsoring license, through creative ambush marketing, or by collaborating with sports influencers – the moment has come for your brand!

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