Matthias Mehner (@MatthiasMehner) is Chief Marketing Officer at MessengerPeople (formerly WhatsMessenger) and an absolute expert on messenger marketing and chatbots. In an interview with our podcast host Alex, he provides a good overview of the current status of the messenger market in Germany and around the world including the suppliers, the markets they relevant in and how brands can use this technology.
“Messengers will be the first step into proper dialog marketing, 1:1 communication.”
Matthias Mehner sees a great opportunity for companies. After all, messengers not only enable true dialog with customers on a massive scale for the first time, but also necessitate this form of dialog, because customers are coming to expect it. Customers use the services for direct and fast communication in sports groups, with friends and relatives, so they also expect quick responses in communication with companies or brands, as Mehner explains. There is a lot of potential in the resulting dialog if the issue of customer service is taken seriously. Our podcast guest Karen Kaushansky shares a similar view in episode 25 on conversational marketing.
For marketers and decision makers, the podcast also includes answers, insights and tips on the following messenger marketing topics:
- What are example use cases and how do I implement them?
- What response times do customers expect in Messenger?
- How high is the personnel expenditure and when does automation make sense?
- What has to be considered with regard to privacy and the GDPR?
- What role do voice and virtual assistants play?
Matthias Mehner also provides an outlook on the development of messenger marketing in Germany and internationally, what role WeChat will play and when conversational commerce will arrive from his point of view. A definition and classification of conversational commerce can be found here in our DMEXCO Story