Web3 in real life: a visit to the new w3.hub

w3.fund has set up a new home for itself. We took a look around the w3.hub, a space dedicated to Web3.

The w3.hub is designed to be a physical space for virtual concepts.

w3.vision: what does the metaverse look like in reality?

A G-Class parked between colorful exhibition booths and speakers philosophizing on stage about DAO, Ethereum, and tokens. And to top it all off, people in costume serving free beer from behind a long bar counter at the end of the day. At least, those are the memories I have of w3.vision at DMEXCO22; the first time I really encountered the metaverse and Web3. Unfortunately though, w3.vision was just a conference and DMEXCO isn’t real life.

Web3? DAO? Blockchain? Say what now? Don’t worry: we shed some light on the most important Web3 terms!


Vicktoria Klich told us we should take a look around the w3.hub. She ought to know: after all, she helped organize w3.vision. “”Here at the Hub, we are working to make Web3 accessible to the mainstream”, she explains. Sounds interesting. So we took her up on the invitation and checked out the brand-new space.

w3.hub: co-creation in Web3

w3.fund has set up a new home in the heart of Berlin, not far from the Möckernbrücke subway station – a stone’s throw away from the German Museum of Technology and the hustle and bustle of Potsdamer Platz. Spanning three floors and covering a total area of 1,500 m2, the w3.hub is a place to experience what Web3 could look like in real life.

Click here for all the sessions from w3.vision!

The first impression: a big, bright space with some 50 people sitting behind their screens and typing away on their keyboards. A co-working space? “For sure,” Vicktoria Klich confirms. “But that’s just one part of it. Web3 is a virtual place for people to come together. To work, for example. But also to simply hang out or have fun. Our w3.hub can offer precisely all of that: it is the physical place for making the virtual world tangible

With its w3.hub, w3.fund has added another important puzzle piece to its portfolio.

Vicktoria calls it “co-creation”, a Web3 ethos of creating everything together and realizing your own ideas in collaboration with others. A bell rings and a speaker on a small stage welcomes everyone, explaining what’s going to happen in the next 60 minutes. Vicktoria fills us in: “A workshop. Our partners from Solana are holding the ‘Grizzlython’, a global hackathon here until March 14. That’s exactly what I meant when I said this is a space where we come together. And implement our Web3 ideas together.”

The w3.hub is for bringing first movers together

However, co-working is just one part of the w3.hub. “We have space here for events, meetings, and parties. Our goal is to build the go-to space for Web3 community in Germany. We want to bring everyone together: coders, designers, investors, brands, and anyone else who’s interested.”

“Some people are still hesitant, but everyone who is raring to get going is more than welcome here.”

w3.fund moved into the space in January. So, how have things progressed since then? “The waiting list for the desks is full. But we’re obviously still looking for partners to get involved and put ideas into action.” The hub is especially targeted at brands that have already taken their first steps into the world of Web3. “The car industry is leading the way in this respect, for example Porsche and VW,” says Vicktoria. “And of course there’s also the fashion and party brands, such as Hugo Boss and Jägermeister.”

Web3 is a new Internet culture

“We’re looking for ideas, startups, and people to help us tap into the potential offered by Web3.” Can you define what Web3 means for you? “I see it as a new Internet culture. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Thanks to the w3.hub, w3.fund has come a whole lot closer to its vision. “I think we’re reaching the point where we’ll no longer be talking about the technology, but just about the applications.”

w3.fund wants to establish a new Internet culture.

w3.fund: a fund for the Internet of the future

w3.fund’s portfolio already boasts an impressive range of exciting startups, covering pretty much every aspect of this new Internet culture. Crypto, NFTs, the metaverse and everything that goes with it is clearly an important part of that. Solana obviously deserves a mention here, as do games such as Angry Dynomites Lab. Ethermail uses blockchain technology for sending emails. Blockbrain aims to make Web3 more secure and protect users from scams. FANtium wants to use NFTs to revolutionize sports marketing. “We’ve also welcomed Senken, which is behind a really exciting project for offsetting CO2 using blockchain technology.”

And what is your vision for the future? “We’ve obviously completely fitted out our space and numerous partners are helping us in that respect by creating their own areas inspired by their visions. Maybe our portfolio will even have its first unicorn soon.”

So, if you want to get an idea of what Web3 could look like in reality, the w3.hub is highly recommended. Thanks for showing us around, Vicky!