Recap of DMEXCO day 1: The digital industry makes a spectacular comeback to Cologne

After the digital quantum leaps of recent years, the top minds, agencies, and companies returned to DMEXCO 2022 full of exciting insights. Warning, may be habit forming: our highlights will leave you wanting more!

Top guests from the digital world are speaking at DMEXCO 2022.

Industry giants + on-site audience = dream start

What had been highly anticipated in recent weeks and months is now finally reality: The first presence DMEXCO since 2019 attracted to Cologne an eager audience. No wonder, because the top-class line-up with over 770 speakers to the 14 stages leaves nothing to be desired. And the sessions on the first day of the expo even surpassed the expectations of the enthusiastic visitors – we’re pleased to share some of the highlights with you here.

Bombshell: Google’s Matt Brittin announces end of third-party cookies

Matt Brittin, President of Google EMEA, presented Google’s future strategy – and also announced that the company is definitely saying farewell to third-party cookies. As a result, the shape of the cookie-free world is becoming clearer. Google will be at the forefront of this and take on a leading role.

In his keynote, Brittin affirmed: “We’re moving to a world without third-party cookies. That’s the world users want, that’s the world governments expect from us,” and added, “And that means we have to rethink the technology on which the whole web advertising system is built, building new privacy-first solutions. And we’re doing that through the Privacy Sandbox, which is about sharing and testing together and refining technologies that will help you deliver effective ads so that you can measure what matters and achieve the business results that you want.”

The Privacy Sandbox is an initiative aimed to promote the technological implementation of these ideas.

Brittin also talked about how Google wants to revolutionize the way it handles user data by taking the 3M approach. The consent to data sharing should be meaningful, memorable, and easily manageable. This model would offer numerous advantages to both companies and users alike.


Twitter showcases unique selling points

Sarah Personette, Chief Customer Officer at Twitter, was also among the prominent speakers at DMEXCO. In her fireside chat with Ralph Simon, CEO of Mobilium Global, she emphasized the unique selling points that make Twitter so special for users and advertisers:

“Twitter is a reflection of what is happening in the world. Hundreds of millions of people come each and every day to find and follow the topics and the interests that they care about. But they also come to Twitter in order to really converse about those topics, and they want to do it in real time, they want to do it live, it’s globally distributed and it’s a public conversation. So, when you think of Twitter, I like to call it almost the largest repository of human thought. It’s the largest focus group that you can have in order to understand insights about your consumers, in order to understand insights about culture, in order to understand insights about performance,” explained Personette, underscoring the unique importance of Twitter.

Daring to be more digital with Sir Martin Sorrell.

In his fireside chat on the importance of digital channels in uncertain times, Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of S4 Capital, emphasized the importance of digitalization and data-driven action. He also added that positive marketing communication is particularly essential right now. The legend of the media world sent a key message to his industry as well: “Data does not destroy creativity, data improves creativity! […] Data-driven creativity will become even more powerful in the future.”


Challenges and potentials of delivery services

We also welcomed Maurine Alma, CMO of Just Eat, as a guest. She provided interesting and exciting insights into the processes behind the delivery service boom of recent years. Alma also addressed the issue of data protection – and the related importance of technological solutions: “The idea of optimally serving your own customers by using your own data is something that will become even more crucial in the era of data privacy, protection, etc. And so will the use of technology to do that in the best possible way.”

Be there on day 2!

A top-class line-up and exclusive insights from the digital marketing & tech industry also await you on the second day of DMEXCO 2022.