ChatGPT in startups: exciting opportunities

Is ChatGPT useful for startups? Absolutely! Read on to find out more about the potential of AI in startups.

Using ChatGPT in a startup
Image: © ihorvsn / Adobe Stock

ChatGPT in startups: How AI is helping brand-new startups get ahead

ChatGPT is already helping businesses boost productivity and streamline processes, in terms of both time involved and financial expense. Using ChatGPT in startups can actually help new founders to cut the time it takes them to realize projects with a small team. Joshua Wöhle, CEO and co-founder of edtech startup Mindstone, recently discussed this with some respected industry experts. In a nutshell, some founders are so enthusiastic about the potential of ChatGPT that they have already implemented a hiring freeze in their businesses.

Yes, you read that correctly – a hiring freeze. That might sound tough at first, but ChatGPT is a genuine opportunity for companies to be successful, especially startups. At the end of the day, founders don’t tend to have much budget left over to hire new staff. They have to find ways to operate efficiently with their existing team – all against the backdrop of staff turnover and an acute shortage of skilled professionals. AI tools like ChatGPT can help startups operate flexibly and use small, agile structures to establish themselves on the market.

And no, even ChatGPT cannot replace “real” humans across-the-board; they will always be important because of their abilities to resolve problems and provide creative content that is beyond the scope and skills of AI tools. What ChatGPT can do is automate tedious tasks and enable businesses to operate with small, efficient core teams – and that is a genuine success factor for both current and prospective startups.

AI: ChatGPT gives startups an important boost

AI allows businesses to use their staff more efficiently, and ChatGPT can also be an unbelievably practical and versatile tool for startups. It can handle a wide range of mundane office tasks, such as writing codes for specific problem scenarios – something that ChatGPT is already doing without supervision and, in many cases, even flawlessly. On the other hand, IT specialists note that people frequently have to correct the codes to get them to actually work. To give ChatGPT its due, however, it can be a great help during troubleshooting. This perfectly illustrates the fact that the AI bot is and will remain a tool that is designed for people to use.

Peter Nixey, founder and developer of task management app Intentional, is one person who already uses ChatGPT in earnest as a coding tool in daily working life. According to our colleagues at Sifted magazine, Nixey uses ChatGPT every day as a kind of personal web development assistant. He finds the tool to be very good at generating and explaining code examples, and credits it with helping him to learn how to use a new development tool in a very short time.

Mindstone founder Joshua Wöhle, who we talked about above, also utilizes ChatGPT in his startup, including to build a social media tool. As well as using it to create infographics based on input text – saving him a lot of time – Wöhle goes beyond using ChatGPT for content automation; for example, by using it to generate ideas for posts and podcast content. Although the tool has taken content creation in his company to a new level, Wöhle intends to hire an additional product marketing manager in the near future, since he believes that human experts are still important and cannot be replaced by AI. What ChatGPT has done is rewrite his expectations of future hires.

Seeing ChatGPT as an opportunity – and looking forward to the future

All these examples demonstrate that while AI and tools like ChatGPT are not a replacement for people on the startup scene, they are far more than just gimmicks; they can definitely add value and improve processes. Another significant advantage of AI is its flexibility: ChatGPT is not just an IT tool for nerds that can write program codes, but also a tool for creating content, gathering knowledge, and inspiring fresh ideas. We have only scratched the surface of its potential applications – for example, in marketing or education – so we look forward to reading even more intriguing use cases. And we’ll keep you updated on that, of course.