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Direct-to-consumer: Jeff Raider and David Bell on the future of DTC brands

Podcast Episode 44
Podcast Episode 44
In conversation with DMEXCO host Dominik Matyka: DTC guru David Bell and entrepreneur Jeff Raider.
David R. Bell and Jeff Raider discuss opportunities and trends in the DTC segment.

For our latest podcast, our host Dominik invited two undisputed experts in the direct-to-consumer (DTC) segment for a chat. Jeff Raider is the co-founder behind Warby Parker and Harry’s, two of the earliest and most successful DTC brands in the USA. His tutor and former professor at the Wharton School, DTC guru David Bell, is a co-investor in Raider’s companies.

In the interview, the two chat about why it is crucial to put yourself in the customer’s shoes, how to start a successful DTC business, what established brands can learn from this and what role an omnichannel strategy plays.

“I think it’s about authentically wanting to create a better experience for people. It is great to approach consumers directly, because you can get signals from people very quickly about what’s good and what’s not good, what they like and what they don’t like.”

Jeff Raider

DTC brands are characterized by their intense customer focus. In the interview, Jeff Raider explains the idea behind the founding of Harry’s (shaving tools) and Warby Parker (eyewear): one key aspect was using his own experience as a customer as a springboard. Accordingly, the products and services have to appeal at a personal level and meet real needs.

But how can this principle be translated into a successful business concept and what do start-ups interested in the DTC market have to know? DTC pioneers Professor David Bell and Jeff Raider share interesting insights into one of today’s biggest e-commerce trends.

Other topics include:

  • How the DTC landscape is changing
  • Whether DTC represents a threat or opportunity for traditional companies
  • The role Amazon plays for DTC brands
  • The extent to which it makes sense to pursue an omnichannel strategy
  • The biggest pitfalls for DTC start-ups

Enjoy the audio!