Digital health: billion-figure growth now and in the future

Recording a huge sales growth from year to year, the digital health market is booming – and studies show the trend will continue in the coming years.

Digital health: a digitally networked woman is sprinting forward.
Image: © catalin / Adobe Stock

Digital health: AI is driving the transformation

In our increasingly digitalized world, the range of innovative healthcare technologies is expanding all the time. A growing number of companies and health tech startups are entering the market to support doctors, patients, and health insurance firms with modern tools and concepts. And that couldn’t have come at a better time, given that the healthcare sector is increasingly being confronted with challenges. For example, the long-term shortage of medical professionals means that people with mental health conditions have to wait months to be seen by a specialist or start a treatment program. Patients can now bridge this gap and access initial support for their mental health online using digital health apps.

The use of digital tools is also catching on in hospitals and doctor’s offices. New data standards are paving the way for huge leaps forward in digital healthcare along the patient journey. In the future, digital, AI-powered apps will be capable of reliably diagnosing symptoms and suggesting the best treatments available from relevant medical specialists. That promises to give doctors new insights into different pathologies and how they may vary from patient to patient. Different specialist departments will be able to cooperate more efficiently by sharing their professional assessments on a digital platform that is accessible at all times, facilitating a more holistic approach to healthcare provision.

Continuous growth: digital health sales in Germany

It’s no secret that Germany is lagging behind when it comes to digitalizing its healthcare system: electronic prescriptions only became mandatory in January of this year, the electronic patient record (ePA) is set to follow in 2025, and online appointments are by no means offered as standard by all doctor’s offices. However, as the number of digital health services grows, so does people’s interest in health apps and other innovative solutions.

According to a study conducted by Statista (only published in German), B2C sales in Germany’s “digital health” segment are expected to increase by billions in the future. While sales in the digital health segment totaled 4.8 billion euros in Germany in 2023, this figure is expected to exceed the 6 billion mark in 2025.


The “digital treatment and care” segment is currently seeing the biggest growth in sales. This market comprises digital tools for diagnosing, treating, and managing medical issues and includes networked biosensors and digital care management solutions. The “digital fitness and wellbeing” segment generates the second-highest sales volume and consists of health and wellness apps and tools for helping people track their health. Steady sales are also being recorded in the telemedicine market, which offers digital tools that make it possible for patients to consult a doctor remotely.

Trillion-figure sales globally by 2026: enormous potential in digital health

As revealed by a study conducted by the international consulting firm Roland Berger, sales in the digital health segment are expected to increase significantly:

According to forecasts, the digital health market could reach sales of a trillion euros globally by 2026. The European Union is predicted to contribute 239 billion euros to that figure, with 59 billion euros of that coming from Germany.

Factors such as the worsening shortage of medical professionals, overwhelmed healthcare systems, and an aging population are making it essential to incorporate digital health. Whether for improving medical care, streamlining administrative tasks, or giving patients more autonomy – digital health services are already key cornerstones in the healthcare sector, with the result that more money will be invested in this area in the future.

Digital health: a sector with unbelievable growth potential

The digital health market is fueling the healthcare revolution and continues to promise big growth opportunities worldwide in the coming years. Integrating AI into day-to-day and preventive healthcare eases the burden for both the sector and patients themselves, while offering a vast array of options for detecting illnesses early, tailoring treatment approaches, and more. A range of factors will determine how the market ultimately develops, but one thing’s for sure: digital health is becoming an indispensable player in our healthcare system.