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Nicolas Finet from Sortlist discusses agency dating in the AI era

Podcast Episode 76
Podcast Episode 76
Nicolas Finet, Co-Founder of Sortlist, graces the DMEXCO podcast.
Nicolas Finet, Co-Founder of Sortlist, talks to podcast host Alex Wunschel.

In the latest podcast episode, our host Alexander Wunschel chats with Nicolas Finet, Sortlist Co-Founder and Head of Marketing and Strategy. Founded in Belgium, the Sortlist platform helps companies find the right agency for their project and individual requirements.

Through the acquisition of the Munich-based startup “” in March 2020, Sortlist has evolved into Europe’s biggest matching platform in the advertising and marketing sector with a monthly project volume of 35 million euros. And the company intends to keep growing. After all, the demand is there on the increasingly fragmented market, as pointed out by Finet in the podcast.

“We wanted to bring more transparency to the market and make collaboration as seamless as possible, both for companies and the agencies on the other side.”

Nicolas Finet, Co-Founder Sortlist

According to Nicolas Finet, there are specialists for everything in the complex agency landscape. Sortlist’s mission is to make matching as tailored as possible and highlight the special skills of agencies. However, the founder explains that agencies can make a number of mistakes in this respect. What advice does he have for agencies? “Nurture your talents and the people behind them!” He believes that agency owners in particular tend to focus on acquisition. How can the agency grow, what are the next steps? He admits that those are relevant questions, but agency owners shouldn’t forget about their employees. The market is seeing many employees leave agencies to set up their own.

Finet also explains that it’s important to showcase your own work. Flaunt your expertise! That also includes being easy to find in search engines, for example.

“As marketers, we have to realize that everything is developing incredibly quickly. There are tons of solutions, agencies, service providers, and tools. It’s no longer all that easy to identify the right solution because today’s landscape is highly fragmented.”

Nicolas Finet, Co-Founder Sortlist

The following questions are also addressed in the talk:

  • What were the reasons for acquiring in Germany?
  • Where exactly does the intelligence of Sortlist’s AI solution lie?
  • What role do Sortlist’s (human) consultants still play?
  • What is the average budget brokered on the platform?
  • And many more

Tune in and find out all the details about the future of the agency landscape and Sortlist’s role. Happy listening!

Alex Wunschel
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